Piping Centre Launches Search for New Principal

Roderick MacLeod with the Argyll Shield after winning the Grade 1 Cowal Championship with Scottish Power

Roderick MacLeod has resigned as Principal of the National Piping Centre in Glasgow, the Centre’s website has announced. No reason for the resignation was given.

He has been in post for 24 years. A statement from the NPC Board of Directors read: ‘After 24 years at the National Piping Centre, Roddy MacLeod has decided to leave the organisation with effect from the end of May 2020.

‘As Principal and Director and co-founder of Glasgow International Piping Festival, he has made an enormous contribution to the piping world and in particular to the establishment and growth of The National Piping Centre.

‘We owe him a huge debt of gratitude and wish him every success in the future. The process to find a successor has begun and further information will appear on The National Piping Centre website in due course. This statement is from The Board of The National Piping Centre.’

Roderick MacLeod has been a top solo piper for the past 30 years winning all of the major prizes. He was formerly Pipe Majopr of the Scottish Power Pipe Band. He runs his own website which sells his own design of chanter. It is expected that this business will continue alongside his private tuition.

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1 thought on “Piping Centre Launches Search for New Principal

  1. Everyone seems to be resigning – first of all the Principals at the College of Piping and now the Director of the National Piping Centre. What’s afoot, or is it just co-incidence ?

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