P/M Roger Huth reports:
A new year; a new venue. The RSPBA London and the South of England Branch committee members last weekend provided the southern echelon of competing pipers and drummers our first outing of the year in a different and very fitting venue.
With plenty of inexpensive Sunday parking nearby, a short walk took us all to the portals of a clean and welcoming University of Bedford.
When I arrived, RSPBA stalwart and Director, Mr Walter MacGregor, pointed me towards the stairs where two very smart and efficient stewards then directed me to the third floor for the solo piping contests.
Here I joined Mrs Iona Scotson, Piping Instructor to Gordon’s School in Lightwater, and three of her pupils, to share one of the tuning rooms.
I then went to the competing room where class player Steve Watterston judged the solo events and also managed the paperwork.
‘Roger, can you go down stairs and get me more of these forms please?,’ he asked.
How could I resist such charm from the judge?
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The Gordon’s having departed, Julian Smart brought in his son Ryan before returning back downstairs for his mini band slot. Ryan played a very nice urlar of the Lament for the Only Son. Julian had played at the recent funeral of Silver Medalist, Bill Gass.

When the solos finished I went downstairs to where Scunthorpe PB were performing their M/S&R. I enjoyed it very much.
I recognised a few Ipswich Recital faces amongst the Essex Pipe Band. They marched on, lead by CLASP soloist Mr Tom Broderick, to give a musical performance for the judges and audience.
These were among the last bands to play on what was a successful occasion. A big thank you to all the stalwarts of the RSPBA London and South of England Branch for providing our first, and very enjoyable, competing platform of 2019. Results:

Other results at: rspbalondon.bravesites.com
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