Thousands of pipers around the world marked Remembrance Day with a tune in town squares, cemeteries, and churches. The day was one of special significance given that it marked 100 years since the end of the Great War.
It is estimated that up to 1,900 pipers were either killed or wounded in the conflict.
These pipers were up pre-dawn in Northern Ireland:

And in Muthill, Perthshire, Piper Andy Renwick did the honours:

Many took part in the Bruno Peek’s ‘Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute’ project. Others just had a tune at official and unofficial local ceremonies.
Mr Peek’s project required the mass playing of the retreat march, When the Battle’s O’er by P/M William Robb at 6am (local time) – the actual time the Armistice was signed in Compèigne, France, on the 11th November, 1918, signalling the end of WW1.
Those who registered with Mr Peek received this certificate:
Given time zone changes, one of the first to play was 84-year-old Maurie deHayr of the Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Here is Maurie at his local cenotaph:
• Find out more about pipers and WW1 and associated music here.