The Piping Press Guide to the Games 2018 is published today. It is based on that of the Scottish Highland Games Association and we are grateful to them for the information. Apart from the dates, this list does not profess to be complete or totally accurate. We have done our best with the available information.
The list has been published as early as possible to allow pipers and enthusiasts to plan their summer and to encourage them to get out and have a tune in the outdoors among Scotland’s celebrated scenery. Many of the smaller games have been suffering from lack of attendance with the larger graded games attracting big numbers. But the small games are important too and they will only survive if pipers make the effort to support them. Rain and midges aside there is nothing quite like the Highland Games circuit in Scotland as those who have experienced the camaraderie and musical fun will affirm. Don’t let it die!

We welcome any further information and corrections; please forward these to pipingpress@gmail.com and we will update the list as soon as possible. Some of the secretaries listed may be for the general games with other individuals responsible for the piping. We would be obliged if those involved could let us have this additional information if available.
Please check before entering or travelling. Get the 2018 PP Guide to the Games here. Entries for the prestigious Braemar Gold Medal are now open. Click here. The picture up top is of the 2017 winner Anna Kummerlöw, Germany.
If any games would like to advertise their event on Piping Press please download the Advertising Booking Form here. Cost is £50 for one month with a guaranteed readership of 10,000+ per week.
Steve Rooklidge (left), who featured in yesterday’s story about a new piping radio show, has kindly forwarded an interesting pipe band recording from his collection. Steve writes: ‘I found something that may interest you. I have a cassette tape that was recorded at the Cowal Games in 1970.

‘When Bill would travel to Scotland he would wander about the games recording drum corps especially, and this audio file shows that meandering on/off recording he did. Strange and delightful things pop up. There is Duthart running his corps through the paces of the famous Hills of Alva medley, and others with no names.
‘I’d be greatly interested if some old timers can pick out their bands in the background. There is great elegance in the simplicity of some of these drum scores, and I think some modern bands, particularly of lower grades, should listen carefully. Great stuff is timeless!’
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