PP Editor’s Blog 28/2/15

Thanks to everyone who re-tweeted and passed on yesterday’s post re the SFU concert. The response has been very gratifying and I hope the ticket sales have been given a boost. One error to correct: the World’s Week concert is on August 12 NOT August 15 as I had it. Click on the ad. below to buy your briefs.[wds id=”4″] Only just over a week till the South Florida Pipe…

Let’s Make Glasgow SFU Concert an Early Sell-Out

Pipe bandsmen and women coming to the Worlds are being urged to buy their SFU concert tickets now to support the band and its leading piper Andrew Bonar in his fight to recover from a brain tumour. SFU have already announced a fundraising concert and ceilidh in British Columbia, Canada, with all proceeds going to the BC Cancer Foundation for brain cancer care and research. Today pipingpress.com editor Robert Wallace…

SFU World’s Week Concert Details

Douglas Orr of promoters Glasgow Skye Association Pipe Band reports: Tickets for this concert go on sale on 21 November 2014 and can be purchased directly from the concert hall. The title of the concert for this year is ‘Nous Sommes Prets’ (We are ready) which is the motto of the university and the title of the band’s first album. This is also a reflection of how the band feel as…