Scottish Pipers ‘Music of First World War’ Part 3

Robert Wallace writes: Erudite and interesting I said; erudite and interesting it was. In the third of his lectures about WW1 and its pipe music, author Colin Campbell succeeded yet again in adding life and colour to what to most pipers are mere names at the top of a pipe music score. Who was Captain Lumsden or CM Usher or John S MacMurchie DCM MM? Last weekend Mr Campbell gave us…

PP Editor’s Blog 28/11/14

Firstly I must express my personal sadness at the passing of Denver Cardwell. A real character he was; a man to make you laugh but with a humour underpinned by a profound knowledge of piping and pipe bands. Firm in his views and in his friends; loyal to the last. If life’s about laughing then Denver lived it to the full. Who will forget the stairheid clash between him and…