PP Editor’s Blog: Wm Sinclair/ Northern Meeting 1990/ US Scholarship/ Letter

Mentioning Duncan Campbell as one of the old school of Scottish bagpipe makers  reminded me of a visit to Edinburgh a few weeks ago when I was able to call in to the Wm Sinclair workshop in Leith. In all my piping years I’d never been before and it was a pleasure to meet Alastair Sinclair, the present proprietor, a master craftsmen who is carrying on the fine tradition of…

78th Fraser Highlanders Concert Remembered

Our main feature today is an article by Northern Ireland piper Kenny Stewart on the historic concert given by Bill Livingstone’s 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band in Ballymena, Ken’s home town, in 1987. Ken tells us of the origins of the show, how it was organised and how the band impressed so many people with their playing only a few days before they lifted the World Champion crown, the first…

Famous Pipers: Pipe Major Alasdair Gillies, Part 2

Alasdair talks of his early years and how he developed his….. Love Affair With the Northern Meeting at Inverness By P/M Alasdair Gillies My association with the Northern Meeting, is short in comparison with Corriechoillie (43 visits according to the tune title), but quite eventful. Living in Ullapool after the family had moved from Glasgow in 1975, I had been winning some prizes at the Highland games round the north. My father…

PP Editor’s Blog: Canntaireachd Explanation/ RACPADS Donation etc

Reader Thomas Mitchell asks about canntaireachd: ‘Thank you for posting the link to the Piping Press Shop for the Gesto Canntaireachd PDF book which I just downloaded. I remember watching a video years ago of interviews with pipers. One gentleman discussed the merits of pipers learning to sing canntaireachd as it was his contention that the singing could show subtleties of phrasing that are more difficult to put into standard musical notation. Have…

New Recordings Added to Archive/ Letter from Falklands Veteran

Two new ceol mor recordings have been added to the PP Audio Archive. They are Lament for the Children (ground and Var.2) played by John MacDonald, Inverness, and the Earl of Seaforth’s Salute played in full by Jimmy McIntosh (pictured). Check out both here. Listening figures on the archive prove how popular this free facility is on Piping Press. The statistics vary depending on how long a recording has been published….