This book was first produced shortly before Donald died in 1988. Languishing out of print, it surfaced in 2021 following contact between Piping Press editor Robert Wallace and Donald’s daughter Sheona. Sheona agreed that it should be offered to the piping public once more at nominal cost, the aim being to preserve her father’s musical legacy. Donald Morrison was the complete piper a fine teacher, composer and soloist. He won the Gold Medal, the Bratach Gorm and many other top awards. He toured extensively teaching and judging. Many of the tunes in this book are dedicated to those who helped him on his travels.
Please note this is a digital download book set for tablet computer such as the iPad.
The book, in Donald’s own hand, runs to more than 60 pages and stories of some of the tunes compiled by the composer, are included.
The book is offered as a service to pipers and at a nominal cost. Please note this is a digital download book set in landscape format for tablet computer.
- After purchase the buyer should click on the purple patched book title and download will begin automatically. (Expires after 30 days.)
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