Tributes for John Hughes, Former President of the RSPBA

The RSPBA have announced the sudden death of former President John Hughes. In a statement the Association said: ‘It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we inform you of the death of our colleague and friend, John Hughes. ‘Our thoughts and prayers are with Carol and the family during this difficult time.’ The news has come as a great shock to the pipe band fraternity. John was latterly…

Editor’s Notebook: Band Sizes & Major Champs./ Florida Academy/ Balvenie Medal/ D Naill Prices/ Military Tunes

The RSPBA should be in no doubt about the concern out there as regards the ‘Missing Majors’ and band sizes. The comments keep coming in to PP. Unfortunately the recent ones are all anonymous, so of course the impact is lessened. People complain of the lack of transparency at the Association then they correspond anonymously! I think they believe their band will suffer if they go public with their thoughts….

The Missing Majors, Band Sizes, and the Need for an Earlier AGM

Pressure is growing on the RSPBA for an announcement regarding the 2024 ‘missing majors’. The statement published yesterday on PP about the easement of band numbers referenced the major championships and this has given rise to some optimism that there may well be progress afoot. However nothing has been confirmed and we remain in limbo with only two championships, the Scottish at Dumbarton on July 27, and the Worlds at…

Editor’s Notebook: Forfar Burgh Pipe Band/ Ivory Pipes/ Florida P&D Academy/ Ardmore Cup/ MoP Royalties

A contact of mine called Mike Croft is putting together an exhibition in the Meffan Institute, Forfar, on the history of pipe bands in the area. He is a former drummer in the Forfar Burgh Pipe Band, writes Tom Peterkin  In its day, it was a pretty good band rising through the grades to Grade One – probably in the 1960s. Although I did not play with the band, he has been…

New Regulations and Rules will Hit Those Travelling with and Dealing in Ivory Pipes

Stricter measures in the trade in elephant ivory come into force in Canada today, January 8, 2024. The new rules could have implications for all pipers with ivory pipes. Henceforth the Canadian government will only permit the import and export of raw elephant ivory destined for a museum, zoo, use in scientific research or in law enforcement activities, writes the Editor.  Furthermore, and this is the relevant part for pipers…