Pitlochry Games Results

Damp, overcast conditions but only a few light showers at Pitlochry in Highland Perthshire on September 14. The piobaireachd competition, sponsored by the Piobaireachd Society, attracted a large entry and was capped at 20. Twenty-six in the light music. Christopher Armstrong continued his good form from the Argyllshire Gathering, but the piper with most points was young Cameron May, Lesmahagow (pictured). Judges reported a high standard, particularly in the ceòl…

BBC Recordings from the Northern Meeting to Air this Weekend / Northern Ireland Bands

On the piping shows on the BBC this weekend (Radio Scotland and Radio nan Gàidheal) there will be live recordings from this year’s Northern Meeting competition in Inverness, reports presenter Micheal Steele. The shows include performances from the Highland Society of London’s Gold Medal, the Gold Clasp and the Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society Silver Star for Former Winners March, Strathspey and Reel. Saturday night on Radio Scotland (9pm) has Nick…

Brittany’s ‘Pibroch by the Sea’/ New Raasay Competition

Blustery wet weather did nothing to dampen enthusiasm at Brittany’s 20th annual celebration of ceòl mòr, ‘Pibroc’h en Bord de Mer’, held on its north coast on 7th/8th September, writes Dr Jack Taylor. While colleagues battled it out at Braemar and Blairgowrie, players from Brittany and beyond enjoyed playing and hearing the great music just for the sake of it with not a judge in sight. Every performance was greeted…

Blairgowrie & Rattray Games Results

Here are the solo piping results from today (Sept 8th), writes Piping Convenor Stuart Samson. A large entry, with over 60 competitors across the adult events and 13 in the juniors. Weather overcast with a nice temperature – a little bit of rain at the end of the day made for a damp prize giving. The photo is of myself presenting the trophy to Sarah Muir winner of the Open…

Braemar Gathering Results – Updated with Juniors

One of the last Highland games of the summer was held in fine conditions at Braemar today (September 7). HM King Charles and HM Queen Camilla were in attendance, continuing a royal tradition dating back to the time of Queen Victoria. The king of the piping boards was overall champion Angus MacPhee, with the coveted piobaireachd Gold Medal and light music all going to him. Angus is pictured above with…