RSPBA Formally Confirms No British Championship in 2025 and Format Change for Euros

The RSPBA have now formally confirmed that there will be no fifth major pipe band championship this summer. Bands were notified privately two weeks ago but until today there had been no announcement made to the pipe band public or media.

They have also today confirmed our story of last week that the Euros in Perth on Aug 9 will be a two leg contest in Grade 1.

In a statement to Piping Press the Association’s Marketing Convenor said: ‘There will not be a fifth major this year, despite lengthy discussions with a number of potential partner organisations.

By the Editor

‘We are very disappointed, and a huge amount of time has been spent in negotiations over the past two years, but in the current financial climate it has not been possible to conclude another agreement in time.’ 

Reader Ian Forbes spoke for many in the pipe band fraternity: ‘When this last happened in 2023, the RSPBA promised a root and branch review of their funding model which has hitherto relied on gaining an external sponsor. What happened to this review?

‘Relevant questions include, ‘have the RSPBA considered hiring a park or school and self-sponsoring a Major? or, ‘has the RSPBA approached the Cowal Gathering with an offer to return to Dunoon?’ or, ‘are there suitable advertising sources available to generate revenue to fund the Majors?

‘The prime function of the RSPBA is to organise these five Major Championships. With the decline of many local contests (usually not attended by G1 or G2 bands), it is imperative that the full five Majors not only continue in future years, but actually thrive. The future of our great pipe band history, music and culture is at stake.’

‘I would like to add a further comment about a possible future return of a Major Championship to Cowal, about which the RSPBA have an apparent blind spot. One of the reasons that the championship was removed from Cowal after 2013, was that at that time it was decided that the Champion of Champions awards should be made at the same time as the Worlds i.e. mid August, which precluded having a championship at Cowal at the end of August.

‘This should not be a valid reason for the permanent removal of a Cowal Championship contest. Cowal has decades of glorious history in organising a major pipe band competition, and in my opinion this option should firmly be back on the table.’

Everyone with the best interests of the movement at heart will agree with Ian and everyone wants to work with the Association to help it thrive but we need information, transparency. The RSPBA cannot operate successfully when it isolates itself from the broader fraternity in a closed conclave of decision making.

Ian’s point about the minors is well made. Fortunately we still have a good number of these contests, 20 in Scotland for 2025 as the lists below show. But how many Grade 1 or Grade 2 bands will attend?

I repeat my comments of the past several years: It should be a condition of entry to the Majors that bands support at least two minor contests in their branch. I don’t think that is asking too much. How many young pipers and drummers took up their instrument after thrilling to a top bands on parade in their home village or town?

The full playing requirement for the 2025 season have now been placed on the RSPBA website here. Read our story from last week here.

  • The 94th RSPBA AGM is on Saturday 8th March 2025 at 11 am. Delegates will be able to attend in person or on line. Bands cannot be represented at the AGM if they have not paid their fees. They can do so here.

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3 thoughts on “RSPBA Formally Confirms No British Championship in 2025 and Format Change for Euros

  1. I hear a lot of criticism directed at the RSPBA and its officials. They represent, and are part of, the organisation. They may have been attracted to these posts for the initial joy of recognition, etc., but they would soon realise the earnest work to be done. I do not doubt that they have tried within their ability to perform the tasks well. I must say that their generation is the last one to take up onerous posts. Their children and grandchildren are missing totally in taking up the cudgels in the RSPBA, Bowling greens, Golf Clubs Churches, and many others in society. Where are the guys in their 20s/30s/40s/50s with the energy and ability to do this work? We all worked long hours ran families and still found time to volunteer. Step up and do it now.

    1. The Association’s now reaping what it sowed Allan. It is effectively a closed shop for any young up and coming leaders ready to take on the responsibility. Recently an election of an officer was held and the elected person chosen was an elderly, frail gentleman. His opponent in the election was a younger, capable guy keen to take on responsibility. I rest my case.

  2. As much as it is good we have 4 majors ( like everyone else would much prefer a full complement of majors) they are condensed into 6 weeks, no majors in May or June , how much will this effect the minor competitions? It also remains to be seen how many bands will enter the UK Championships given the date chosen this year.
    Hopefully we can get back to the full 5 majors next year but I have said for some time that the RSPBA needs to sell itself instead of relying on Councils that clearly don’t have the funds anymore.

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