The pipe band community in Northern Ireland has been surprised by yesterday’s resignation of the RSPBA Northern Ireland branch Chairman, Alastair Patterson, writes Gilbert Cromie.
In a statement Alastair said: ‘I have taken the decision to stand down from my role as Chairman of the RSPBA Northern Ireland Branch. This has not been an easy decision, but the amount of time and commitment needed has been having an impact on my health, my work and most importantly, my family. After a period of reflection I have reached the decision to step down.
‘Having taken up my role in November 2022, I have given everything possible towards delivering what was best for our membership, but the time commitment needed for what is a voluntary role is no longer sustainable.

‘This decision has not come about lightly and I feel bad, but I need to return to some sort of balance in my life. Who knows, maybe some time in the future, when circumstances are right, I may return.
‘I want to thank all within the RSPBANI for their support. I will continue to encourage where I can, but it is time to hand over the baton to someone with a bit more time on their hands and the ability to fulfil the duties required. I will return to my role as a drum major adjudicator.
‘Thank you for the opportunity, and I wish all our bands, drum majors and officials well.’
Alastair is a former Drum Major with Field Marshal Montgomery, and a four times World Champion Drum Major.
Shotts Drummers
Grant Cassidy has stood from his position as leading tip with Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia. His place will be taken by former Shotts man David Henderson, currently with Police Scotland and Federation.
It is is understood there had been friction within the band and Grant decided it was time to move on. Grant was taught by Bert Barr and is a former member of Jim Kilpatrick’s all-conquering corps.

In a statement the band said: ‘Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band are proud and excited to introduce our new lead drummer David Henderson. David is a former member of the Shotts corps, having won the Worlds with the band, including best drum corps on two occasions, and three Champion of Champions……..’
David said: ‘I would like to say a huge thank you to Ewan Henderson and Duncan Nicholson and all at the Police Scotland & Federation Pipe Band. They have worked tirelessly in their roles and I have sincerely enjoyed working alongside them.

‘I am honoured to become the next leading drummer of Shotts & Dykehead Caledonia. I have a long history with the band, and I am excited to be fulfilling a childhood dream. I look forward to the exciting road ahead, working with Emmett to produce exciting and innovative music.’
Pipe Major Emmett Conway: ‘I want to express thanks to Grant Cassidy on all the hard work he has put into the band over the past 18 months. I’m thrilled to welcome David back to the band. I have complete confidence he’ll bring great experience and leadership.’

All the best Alastair; you did a great job in the Chairman role.
I would like to comment on the resignation of Alastair Patterson as Chairman of RSPBA NI. I can fully understand why this has happened. The difficulties that the branch and indeed the Association have had to overcome this last few years are obviously taking their toll. Alastair brought a much needed honesty, transparency and common sense to the role. I for one am sad to see him step down. I wish Alastair and his family all the best. The NI branch is now rudderless with no Chairman and no Treasurer.