Inveraray piper Ross Miller: I’m contacting Piping Press with the exciting news that my new tune book ‘The Roke Collection’ is now available to pre-order. The book is available to exclusively through my website until 31st March with the official release date of 30th April.
Pre-order supporters will receive their copy prior to the release date. I have also made a video to celebrate one year of my album and the new release featuring pipers from around the world [see top of article].

The book promo: ‘The Roke Collection is the accompanying tune book for Ross Miller’s critically acclaimed debut album. This collection of tunes features all 30 of the tunes on the album exactly as played with all variations written in full.
‘The Roke is the town tune of the Ancient and Royal Burgh of Linlithgow where Ross Miller was brought up and is the official Town Piper.

‘A finalist in the 2019 BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year, Ross has also won the World Pipe Band Championship and an array of solo piping prizes in his career.
‘The music ranges from tunes he has played in pipe bands given a new twist to modern jigs and reels, there’s even a pipe quartet. The book is complete with photographs and stories from Ross’ piping journey so far as well as detailed notes on each tune.’
The Up To The Line Pipe Band Podcast team would like to bring awareness to this exciting pipe band podcast, writes John Dew. We are a podcast which looks at pipe bands and education within the piping world and aim to offer sound advice to those looking to improve their pipe band craft.
This podcast comprises of Scotland based pipers and drummers currently in Grade 1 pipe bands. Our hosts include Gary Nimmo, Scott Campbell, Stuart Peters, Stephen Russell and myself with Cameron Lawson and Robert Scott working behind the scenes to make sure the podcast runs smoothly.

A feature episode is released every first Friday of the month with an interview with artists in the pipe band world. Recently we have had Steven McWhirter, Matt Wilson and Scott Wallace all talking about their various specialisms.
Our most recent podcast looked at women in piping featuring prominent female figures such as Anne Spalding, Faye Henderson, Allyson Crawley-Duncan and Anna Smart.
We have bonus short episode with an additional feature from a separate interview as well as a chat with the hosts. We also have a patreon page to allow those who wish to support the podcast to get exclusive content:

On this page we offer a weekly tune from myself and I will give a performance of a new composition each week from various books published in the last 20 or so years.
At least one 10 minute tutorial from me or a guest. Most recently we have looked at syncopation within pipe music and 7/8 tunes explained. There’s also bonus content, bloopers, access to old material and early access to all podcasts and interviews.
Really you call that music ? I suggest soap soup, it slips well but tasteless beverage.