The High School of Dundee is looking for a new, part-time, piping instructor to work two days a week under P/M David Wilton. The job spec states: ‘The successful applicant should have an extensive knowledge of, and be an expert practitioner in, the bagpipes.
‘In addition, he or she should be able to tune a pipe band and perhaps step in as pipe major of any school band if required. The successful candidate is likely to be required to be present at pipe band competitions to assist tuning and preparing the High School band(s).

‘The successful candidate will be required to instruct theory of music as well as the other aspects of musicianship required for pupils to have a full understanding of the instrument, its practice and repertoire.’
It goes on: ‘The candidate must possess a qualification in the taught instrument to at least degree level, or hold a BA or equivalent in academic music. However, candidates without these qualifications who nonetheless possess extensive experience working at a high professional level may be considered.’
The recently translated Bagpipe Tutor 1 (French) has received this very positive review on a French teaching blog The review is by French piper Jean-Marc Lebron:
‘A few words on the latest initiative from Robert Wallace – distinguished piper. Some of you who have known him for some time will not be surprised on reading this short tribute, but for many new and future pipers, this may not be the case. Journalist, writer and musician by profession, he is also one of the leading teachers of piping in the world with more than 40 years experience to his credit.
‘He has taught sucessfully at all levels from Gold Medal to humble beginners, and now he has created a tutor which blends the printed word with audio visual presentations worthy of the 21st century. To date this method has been available only to English and German speakers, but from now on, it is all change as his French version hits the market (you will find a reproduction of the title page as an attachment).

‘The audio visual commentary is translated into French in its entirety and is available free on the Piping Press site. From where I stand, this is a revolutionary development in teaching. I already have a very good teacher, but this add-on allows me to dip into the learning experience when and where I want.
‘I can play along with the recordings, do the exercises and read the advice. This is quite simply « the best » and my teacher is entirely in agreement as it was he who urged me to follow the tutor. Here is a piece of breaking news – Tutors 2 and 3 are in the pipeline. I will follow this development and keep you informed.
‘Where can I get my copy? Quite simply visit the Ty ar Sonerien site to order, (in due course there will be other sources of supply). As for the free audio -visual component, follow this link You can then download the translation.
‘Thank you Mr Wallace, your work is now available to the French-speaking world…..I think you will have probably gathered that I am a big FAN!‘
Piper and entrepreneur Robbie MacIsaac has come up with a new blowstick which the manufacturers say combines moisture control with easy air supply. The blurb:
‘For the past six years Robbie has been developing the FLUX Blowpipe with the final product being brand new and extraordinarily innovative. The blowpipe was developed with bespoke technology that cools, condenses and absorbs the moisture directly from the piper’s breath through a difference in temperature and pressure in an absorption chamber.

‘This condensation is absorbed by a non-toxic and reusable silica desiccant before it circulates within the bag. The FLUX Blowpipe is lightweight, weighing just 96g. Additionally, it does not restrict or alter the airflow of the pipes nor the sound.’