Piping Convenors of the Argyllshire Gathering and Northern Meeting, Torquil Telfer and Alan Forbes, have today issued the following statement: ‘The Argyllshire Gathering and the Northern Meetings are acutely alert to the impact which the current Covid-19 crisis is having on scheduled public events and gatherings.
‘After due consideration, it is our position that, at this early stage, there is no immediate requirement to cancel our piping competitions, however, as the situation develops, we will review our current position and clearly be guided by the level of Government and scientific advice being provided.
‘We are particularly sensitive to the difficulties which this level of uncertainty generates for overseas competitors and judges who have to make extensive travel and accommodation arrangements.
‘We will continue to monitor the situation and provide timely notification of developments.’
The Argyllshire Gathering is due to be held in Oban on August 26 and 27 and the Northern Meeting in Inverness on August 20 and 21.