The SPSL have sent this….
The weekend of Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November marks the 80th Annual Competition of the Scottish Piping Society of London. The SPSL Committee has been very active over the last six months planning this year’s Annual Competition, and is delighted to announce that entries are now open, via the online entry form on the Society’s website: http://www.scottishpipingsocietyoflondon.co.uk/
The Committee took the decision to streamline the 2018 Annual Competition – driven primarily by competitor feedback and the need to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the event. The 2019 Competition incorporates a number of changes including the move to a new venue, The Caledonian Club, and the decision to run the premier Bratach Gorm competition as a Friday evening event.
[wds id=”2″]Consultation with a range of stakeholders has informed the decision that, for the 2019 Competition, there will again be no events for either the ‘C’ grade nor the amateur level.
The SPSL Committee requests that all competitors check the entry criteria. In particular, as the John Roe Plate is a qualifying event for the 2020 Silver Medal, in discussion with the CPA there are modified entry criteria for this event and the Snuff Mull.
Venue, Travel and Accommodation Information can be found on the SPSL website. Competitors and spectators should be aware of a strict dress code at The Caledonian Club.
Queries related to the competition should be directed to: info@scottishpipingsocietyoflondon.co.uk
The SPSL is also seeking volunteers and stewards for the competition. Interested parties should contact the organisers via the above email address.
Competition updates will be provided on SPSL Social Media:
Facebook @ScottishPipingSocietyOfLondon
Twitter @LondonPiping / #spsl2018
I do wish that the SPSL would consider live streaming the competition. Many piping enthusiasts are unable to travel to this event in London (especially on a Friday), and the Society could enhance its worldwide prominence and potentially obtain further sponsorship with a global audience. Speaking for myself, I would be very happy to pay a small charge to watch a livestream of this event.