RSPBA Chief Executive Ian Embelton wished all 195 bands taking part in the World Pipe Band Championships which begin today the very best of luck. Mr Embelton is the man charged with declaring the results tomorrow evening. This will be his 20th Worlds. He said: ‘I hope all bands have enjoyable and fruitful days at Glasgow Green.
‘The Association has done everything it can to make this major championship run as smoothly as possible. We have 216 bands to look after and our teams of volunteers and officials will be doing everything they can help the bands give of their best.

Ian Embelton
‘We have brought in two new competition arenas and this means that we will be able to bring the March Past forward one hour to 5.30pm. There had been comments that in the past the day has run on too long and we have addressed this.’
Those who can’t manage to Glasgow can watch proceedings live over the internet. Today here. Tomorrow tune into the BBC. However there is no substitute for hearing the music live. It’s the only true way to hear it unadulterated. Get your tickets here.
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Here’s the running order today and the performance times:
Friday – Grade 1 MSR
10:30 SFU
10:40 Lomond & Clyde
10:50 Fife Police
11:00 Inveraray
11:10 78th Frasers
11:20 Johnstone
11:30 Scottish Power
11:40 Boghall
11:50 FMM
12:00 Glasgow Skye
12:10 Canterbury Caledonian
12:20 Shotts
12:30 PSNI
12:40 Glasgow Police
12:50 SLOT
Judges: B Donaldson, R McShannon, G Craig, J Campbell

Friday – Grade 1 Medley
14.10 SFU
14.20 Lomond & Clyde
14.30 Fife Police
14.40 Inveraray
14.50 78th Frasers
15.00 Johnstone
15.10 Scottish Power
15.20 Boghall
15.30 FMM
15.40 Glasgow Skye
15.50 Canterbury Caledonian
16.00 Shotts
16.10 PSNI
16.20 Glasgow Police
16.40 SLOT
Judges: A Kerr, J Wark, B Martin, J Moles
Today’s weather looks wet in the morning but drier this afternoon. Here is the Met Office graph:

For tomorrow it looks much better:

For the complete Saturday draw for all bands click here.
Simultaneous with the Grade 1 first rounds will be the traditional march of bands from Blythswood to George Square Glasgow. Show your support by getting out to cheer them on from 12 noon.
Want to read a comprehensive history of the Worlds? Here is it courtesy of former RSPBA Adjudicator Alistair Aitken OBE:
History-of-the-WorldsCheck out some of the great Worlds winners of the past: Muirhead & Sons, Dysart & Dundonald, Simon Fraser University, Shotts & Dykehead, Strathclyde Police and Edinburgh Police:
- Stay tuned to Piping Press. Ours is the only piping magazine where you will get informed commentary on the playing at the Worlds with expert analysis of Grades 1 & 2. In the interests of fairness, we will not be carrying any opinions on the G1 Friday performances until after the results have been announced. For the best results service watch the Worlds live or log on to the RSPBA’s Twitter feed.
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