Press release on the 80th Annual Competition of the Scottish Piping Society of London….
The Committee of the Scottish Piping Society of London is delighted to announce that the 2019 Annual London Competition will be held on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November at The Caledonian Club, Halkin Street, London, SW1. As part of the move to this new venue, we are looking forward to hosting the prestigious Am Bratach Gorm Competition on the Friday evening.
The Committee has been making step changes over the last three years to develop our annual competition. A significant component of this has been identifying a venue which better meets the needs of the Scottish Piping Society of London and importantly our event competitors. Securing such a venue in central London is not without its challenges.
Twenty nine locations were assessed for suitability as part of our selection process, and as a Committee we have engaged with a range of competitor, adjudicator and sponsor feedback from previous years in exploring developments to our annual event.
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After careful consideration and scrutiny, we consider The Caledonian Club to have the combination of attributes for a successful competition of this nature; atmosphere, pedigree, number of rooms, accommodation and accessibility being just a few.
The Committee has been progressing competition plans in the new venue and invites you to join us for what looks to be a truly memorable competition.
Further information, competition criteria, and the competition entry form will be available on our website from Sunday 1 September.
For more information contact: info@scottishpipingsocietyoflondon.co.uk
Ticketing, transportation and accommodation information will be released during September SPSL website, Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Website www.scottishpipingsocietyoflondon.co.uk/
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the biggest thing the SPSL could do to enhance the viewing of the Bratach Gorm and promote the event to an international audience would be to livestream the event (even with a small charge). It is one of piping’s premier events, but being held in London means many people cannot attend
Such a shame that the Scottish Society of London have done this it will restrict the viewing public perhaps the committee should scrap the entire competition