Two sets of pipes feature on our Online Advertising page today. The first set is one of the most sought after in the piping world – a set of German silver and ivory Henderson pipes. This set dates from circa 1900. Of this set the seller writes: ‘They have great provenance and have been played at top level in solo competitive piping winning numerous top prizes over many years and also top grade 1 level pipe bands.’
The second set is an instrument by one of the modern-day master pipe makers, David Naill & Co. Of this set the seller writes: ‘They are hallmarked 1989 – right around the start of Naill drones’ heyday.
‘They are a great set, exemplifying the full, super-steady, crystal-clear tone for which these pipes are renowned; the bass is particularly rich. There are very minor nicks and scratches here and there but are otherwise in great condition.’
Here are some pictures of the first set:

And of the second:

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Interested in the above sets of pipes? Click here for more information and details on how to contact the sellers.
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