Just released…..
The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association is pleased to announce that the vacant posts of Principals of the Pipe Band College have been filled.
Candidates went through a rigorous interview process and the successful candidates are identified as:
- Principal of Pipe Band Musicianship – Tom Brown. In this role Tom will be responsible for developing strategies to raise the standard of pipe band musicianship and improving performance in the competition arena. Tom will be working with members of the College to achieve this goal.
- Principal of Piping – Jim Campbell Jim will be working with other members of the College to raise standards in piping, to deliver training programmes for piping instructors and leading pipers and to support geographical representatives in raising standards within local branches.
- Principal of Drumming – Paul Brown Paul, like Jim, will be working with other members of the College to raise standards in drumming, to deliver training programmes for drumming instructors and leading drumming and to support geographical representatives in raising standards within local branches.
Read the full article here.
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