Adrian Cramb has announced his resignation from the position of Pipe Major of the Vale of Atholl’s Grade 1 Pipe Band.
The band will not be competing next summer whilst the band ‘takes this period to develop its way forward’. Adrian brought recent success to the band when they made the final of the 2018 Worlds. They are pictured above on their way to the circle.
Last week it was announced on Piping Press that the Vale had lost their drum corps to Lomond & Clyde Pipe Band, recently taken over by P/M Don Bradford. Don succeeded P/M David Wilton who has moved to Dundee-based MacKenzie Caledonian.

Adrian’s departure was announced on the Vale’s Facebook page. It reads: ‘Adrian has been with the band for almost four decades of continuous service.
‘He would like to thank everyone who has supported him over the years and for their commitment.
‘The Vale, and in particular all of Adrian’s Grade 1 musicians, would like to thank him for the significant achievements under his leadership and the massive contribution he has made to the organisation.
‘The Vale’s G1 band will not compete in the 2019 season as the band takes this period to develop its way forward.’
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In other developments this morning, readers have responded to yesterday’s story about the lack of support for the smaller pipe band contests and Pitlochry Games in particular.
One, Neil Nicholson, writes: ‘As a member of a band who supported Pitlochry Games for many years I can perhaps offer some insight into the reasons we took a decision not to compete at the 2018 games.
‘Pitlochry Games does come late in the season and it is sometimes difficult to motivate players to go to one last event, after a busy season. Pitlochry is a great venue, with great potential however the bands are not well catered for. (more…)

‘The games committee require all bands competing to participate in a Street parade, this does attract a generous prize, awarded by secret judges.
‘Three bands get some money for their efforts, the rest do not. The same bands do tend to feature each year.
‘Higher grade bands, competing later in the day are required to be in Pitlochry late morning.

‘The prize money is certainly not attractive. Even a band within easy travelling distance will not recover costs unless placed 1st in one of the top grades.
‘In 2016 the games committee withdrew the grade 1 competition, depriving the grade 2 band which had entered of the opportunity to win both the 1st prize and the trophy.
‘Other contests where there has not been a higher grade band competing have taken the decision to retain a contest and create an open contest.
‘Pitlochry has great potential to be better attended, and in fact many local bands do attend. In terms of paying members of the public there can be few better attended.
‘The business attracted to the town may have the potential to increase the prize money fund. The games committee need to consider entering into discussions with the RSPBA on how they may better serve the bands. By doing this they may increase band attendance.’
• Do you agree? Join the debate by commenting below.
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Vale of Atholl and Triumph Street. Two bands heavily dependent on long distance players that will not be at next years worlds.