WO2 Pipe Major Peter Macgregor reports….
Under the direction of Major Gordon Rowan, the 2018 annual Army Piping and Drumming Championship was held at the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming at Inchdrewer house over the weekend (October 27/28).
The contest started with a graded solo piping, drumming and bugling competition on the Saturday followed by a mini band competition on the Sunday along with the prize giving with prizes presented by Major (Retd.) Colin Kerr. The picture above features all prize winners for the solo events.
Novice March, Walter Drysdale Cup: 1 OCdt Coghill, GSUOTC 2 Piper Edwards, 4 Scots 3 Piper Ledgerwood, 4 Scots 4 OCdt Rendall, GSUOTC
Novice Drumming, Joe Noble Quaich: 1 Drummer Harper, 4 Scots 2 Trooper Richardson, Scots DG 3 Drummer Thomson, 4 Scots
Confined Piobaireachd, Walter Drysdale Challenge Trophy: 1 OCdt Bell, GUOTC 2 OCdt Hutcheon, AUOTC 3 Piper Macaulay, 4 Scots 4 LCpl Maximus-Badass, Scots DG
Confined March, Sovereign Piper’s Decanter: 1 Piper Macaulay, 4 Scots 2 Piper Park, 4 Scots 3 LCpl Maximus-Badass, Scots DG 4 Signalman Waugh, Royal Signals
Confined S&R, S&R Quaich: 1 Piper Park, 4 Scots 2 Piper Macaulay, 4 Scots 3 OCdt Bell, GUOTC 4 LCpl Maximus-Badass, Scots DG
Confined Drumming, Confined Drumming Quaich: 1 Sig Elder, R Sigs 2 WO1 McPhie R Sigs 3 Drummer Grant, 4 Scots
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Snr. Piob., Snr, Piobaireachd Cup: 1 OCdt Frame GSUOTC 2 Cpl Davies, 2 Scots 3 LCpl Dorman R Sigs 4 Sgt Grant, 4 Scots
Snr. March, Snr. March Cup: 1 OCdt Frame GSUOTC 2 OCdt Hutcheon, AUOTC 3 P/M Lang, AUOTC 4 LCpl McRobb, R Sigs
Snr. S&R, Senior S&R Cup: 1 OCdt Frame GSUOTC 2 P/M Lang, AUOTC 3 OCdt Hutcheon, AUOTC 4 LCpl McRobb, R Sigs
Hornpipe & Jig, H&J Trophy: 1 P/M Duncan, Scots DG 2 Piper Gillies, 4 Scots 3 OCdt Frame GSUOTC 4 LCpl Dorman, R Sigs
Bugling, Silver Bugle: 1 Sgt Taylor, 7 Scots 2 Mini Silver Bugle – Cpl Peden 1 Royal Irish 3 Ranger McCloy, 1 Royal Irish 4 LCpl Minto, 4 Scots
Open Piobaireachd, Open Piob. Cup: 1 P/M Duncan, Scots DG 2 P/M MacGregor, Scots 3 Piper Gillies, Scots
Open March, Open March Cup: 1 P/M Duncan, Scots DG 2 P/M MacGregor, Scots 3 Piper Gillies, Scots
Open S&R, Open S&R Cup: 1 P/M Duncan, Scots DG 2 Piper Gillies, Scots 3 P/M MacGregor, Scots
Championship Drummer, Glayva Decanter: 1 D/M Marr, 4 Scots 2 Sgt Laird, 71 End. Regt. RE 3 Sgt Campbell, 3 Scots
Mini Band MSR, ASBM&HD MSR Shield: 1 4 Scots 2 Royal Signals A 3 Royal Signals B
Mini Band Medley, ASBM&HD Medley Shield: 1 4 Scots 2 Royal Signals A 3 Royal Signals B
Overall Army Champion: P/M Duncan Scots DG
Tri-Service Cadet Force P&D Annual Competition
Major Ross Munro, National Cadet Piping and Drumming Executive Officer, reports,
During the October school break, the National Training Team for the Army Cadet Force ran their training camp for Cadets from all services (Air Cadets, Army Cadets, Combined Cadet Force and Sea Cadets) who travelled from all over the country to take part.
During the course of the camp, the Cadets were given tuition and guidance from the Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, enhancing what they are taught by their tutors and helping them to prepare and be ready to sit SQA/PDQB qualifications in piping and drumming with some very high levels of achievement across the board including, 2 SCQF Level 7 qualifications in piping, 2 SCQF Level 6 qualifications in Snare drumming and 1 PDQB Level 4 Bass and Tenor Qualification.
The week culminated in the annual cadet pipes and drums competition. This is an integral part of the cadet force music programme and this year we managed to draw in support from McCallum Bagpipes and Kingdom Thistle Pipe Band Supplies in order to give the prize winners a little something extra on top of the standard medal they receive.
There was a very good turn out for the competition with some very high standards of playing being witnessed by our panel of judges. The panel this year was Rona;d MacShannon, Wilson Brown and P/Maj Ian Hughes (RAF) for piping, SMI Graeme Peters of the National Training Team for Snare, Miss Eilidh Wynd (Glasgow Police Pipe Band) for Tenor and Band Master (D/Maj) Robert Cowan of the Black Watch ACF. The presenting officer for the competition was Air Vice Marshall Ross Paterson CB OBE ADC DL.
The competition prize winners were;
Novice March: 1 Cdt Lewis Roberts (London & South East ATC) 2 Cdt James Brown (London & South East ATC) 3 Cdt Peter Convery (Scotland & Northern Ireland ATC)
Intermediate March: 1 Cdt Callum Lowther (Black Watch ACF) 2 Cdt Brooke Matthews (West Lowland ACF) 3 Cdt Euan MacGillivary (1 Highlanders ACF)
Open (Senior) MSR: 1 Cdt Christopher Happs (Lothian & Borders ACF) 2 Cdt P/M John McLaren (1 Hders. ACF) 3 Cdt Cpl Fergus McClintock (Scotland & Northern Ireland ATC)
Novice Piobaireachd: 1 Cdt Rory Robson (1 Highlanders ACF) 2 Cdt Cpl Scott Priestley (Black Watch ACF) 3 Cdt Callum Lowther (Black Watch ACF)
Open Piobaireachd: 1 Cdt P/Maj John McLaren (1 Highlanders ACF) 2 Cdt Christopher Happs (Lothian and Borders ACF) 3 Cdt Paul Christie (Lothian & Borders ACF)
Jig: 1 Cdt P/Maj John McLaren (1 Highlanders ACF) 2 Cdt Christopher Happs (Lothian & Borders ACF) 3 Cdt Paul Christie (Lothian & Borders ACF)
Novice Snare: 1 Cdt Charles Eaglesham (1 Highlanders ACF) 2 Cdt Arron Brown (1 Highlanders ACF) 3 (Joint) Cdt’s Ben Hasson and William Dougall (1 Highlanders ACF)
Check out our gallery of winners:
Intermediate Snare: 1 Cdt Jade Knowles (Lothian and Borders ACF) 2 Cdt Sam Bennett (1 Highlanders ACF) 3 Cdt James Brown (London and South East Region ATC)
Open Snare: 1 Cdt Sgt William Paul (A&S Hders, ACF) 2 Cdt Sgt H Scrivenor-Anderson (B Watch ACF) 3 Cdt Cpl Jade Knowles (L&B ACF)/ Cdt Cpl Jake Tonkin (1 Hders ACF)
Novice Tenor: 1 Cdt Ellie Tittensor (2 Highlanders ACF) 2 Cdt L/Cpl Steven Simpson (1 Highlanders ACF) 3 Cdt Arron Brown (1 Highlanders ACF)
Open Tenor: 1 Cdt Cpl Catherine MacNeill (1 Highlanders ACF) 2 Cdt D/Maj Jodie Standen (1 Highlanders ACF) 3 Cdt Mya Bradley (1 Highlanders ACF)
Quartet: 1 1 Highlanders Bn ACF Lothian and Borders Bn ACF A quartet 3 Black Watch Bn ACF
Mini Band: 1 1 Highlanders Bn ACF 2 Lothian and Borders Bn ACF 3 Air Training Corps Pipe Band
Best Drum Corps: Lothian and Borders BN ACF
Drum Majors: 1 Cdt D/Maj Hamish Scrivenor- Anderson (Black Watch ACF) 2 Cdt Cpl Alan Hasson (1 Highlanders ACF) 3 Cdt D/Maj Jodie Standen (1 Highlanders ACF)
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