The band is delighted to announce that Don Bradford and Gary Corkin have joined the organisation.
Don takes up the role of Pipe Major and brings vast experience to the band.
Gary Corkin [formerly RUC] will lead the drum section merging both Gary’s and Allan’s corps utilising the skills sets of both to best advantage.
Allan Craig has stepped down as Leading Drummer due to undertaking a new job in the North West of Scotland as full-time Drumming Instructor for Lochalsh and Skye schools
Allan is delighted to stay part of the new team in a supporting role to both Don and Gary.

Don has appointed Cameron Barnes, previously of Fife Police, his Pipe Sergeant and together they have brought in a strong complement of Grade One pipers to supplement the existing pipe corps already in place.

The band would also like to thank David Wilton for leading the band through the last three seasons and taking the band into Grade One.
Anyone expressing an interest to join please contact Don and Gary through normal social media platforms.
• It is understood P/M David Wilton will be joining Dundee – based MacKenzie Caledonia Pipe Band. Read more on the band here.
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