David Henderson has been appointed as the new Leading Drummer of the Greater Glasgow Police Scotland Pipe Band following the departure of long time servant Eric Ward. A statement on behalf of Pipe Major Iain MacPherson and Niall West, Band Manager, was issued to Piping Press today. It reads:
‘Following consideration of several applications for the post, Greater Glasgow Police Scotland Pipe Band are pleased to announce the appointment of David Henderson as Leading Drummer with immediate effect.’
P/M MacPherson added: ‘We were very pleased at the extremely high calibre of the applicants for the leading drummer position in the band. David was an outstanding candidate and we look forward to working with him over the winter in preparation for the 2017 season.’

David was formerly a menmber of the Shotts & Dykehead Pipe Band and won the World Corps championship under Jim Kilpatrick’s leadership in 2014. He is a co-director of D2 Percussion a drumming traching resource website. He started his drumming career at the Knightswood Novice Juvenile Pipe Band under the instruction of Alasdair Hepburn, after being taught by his father, Stuart Henderson, at their home in Glasgow and was appointed leading drummer of the band aged only 13.
At 15, David joined the G1 David Urquhart Travel Pipes and Drums before moving to Clan Gregor in 2006, where he played in the Worlds Grade 1 final. In 2007, David was accepted on to the Scottish Music degree course at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD) in Glasgow and graduated with a BA (Scottish Music) Honours Degree in 2009. That same year David joined Shotts playing alongside Jim Kilpatrick and since then has won every major drumming title possible with Shotts, including the Scottish, British, European, Cowal and World Drumming Champions titles.
David is currently a full-time drumming instructor a number of schools in Glasgow and Lanarkshire and is also a Visiting Assessor in Pipe Band Drumming for the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
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