Bratach Gorm
1 Jack Lee, Laird of Anapool (Jack is pictured above with fellow BC champion Ed McIllwaine – see below)
2 F Henderson, Donald Gruamach
3 R MacLeod, MacSwan of Roaig
4 G Brown
5 C Beaumont, Lament for Ronald MacDonald of Morar
Judges: W Wotherspoon, C MacLellan, R Worrall
Gillies Cup
1 B Gandy
2 I Speirs
3 R MacLeod
4 C Drummond
5 C Beaumont
Judges: I Duncan, M McRae, S Shedden
Former Winners MSR
1 C Beaumont
2 W McCallum
3 J Murray
4 I Speirs
5 B Gandy
Judges: I McLellan, J Wilson, J Banks
JB Robertson March
1 D Murray
2 A Hayes
3 C Armstrong
4 W McCallum
5 B Gandy
Judges: B Donaldson, A Frater
Beaton Cup H&J
1 C Armstrong (see pic below)
2 A Hayes
3 W McCallum
Judges: B Donaldson, A Frater
Snuff Mull Piob (‘A’ Grade)
1 I Smith
2 J Forrester
3 W Geddes
4 J Hazzard
5 P McCalister
Judges: T Speirs, R Livingstone
Strachan MSR
1 S Gray
2 S Muir (Sarah won the ‘A’ overall – see pic below)
3 G Drummond
4 A Lee
5 J Hazzard
Judges: J Banks, I McLellan, J Wilson
‘A’ H& J
1 S Muir
2 S Gray
3 A Lee
Judges: R Livingstone, T Speirs
‘B’ Grade Piob
1 E McIllwaine, Blue Ribbon
2 M Fraser
3 S Cameron
4 S Muir
5 P Hunt
Judges: A Wright, N Mulvie
1 R Miller
2 A Wilson
3 C Moffat
4 F Henderson
5 S Cameron
Judges: B Donaldson, A Frater
‘B’ H&J
1 D Shedden
2 E Conway
3 A Kummerlow
Judges: R Worrall, C MacLellan, W Wotherspoon
‘C’ Piob
1 B MacDonald
2 J McElmurry
3 R Huth
4 D Beattie
5 C Moffat
Judges: R MacShannon, A Forbes
1 D Beattie (pictured below)
2 M Fraser
3 G Ross
4 R Corr
5 J Dicker
Judges: W Cowan, T Johnstone
‘C’ H&J
1 F Allison
2 G Ross
3 D Beattie
Judges: W Cowan, T Johnstone
Juv Piob
1 C Brown
2 H Richards
3 equal B Caimbeul & F Cameron
Judges: T Speirs, R Livingstone
1 C Brown
2 D Stewart
3 B Caimbeul
Judges: R Worrall, C MacLellan, W Wotherspoon
Juv Gaelic Air & Jig, Highlands & Islands Trophy
1 C Brown
2 R McIsaac
3 D Stewart
Judges: A Wright, N Mulvie
CLASP G1 Piob: L Durham and E Morice
CLASP G1 MSR: E Morice

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