President Logan Tannock: We are delighted to be able to run the Scottish Pipers Association Professional Competition for 2025 on the 12th of April, and once again held in the National Piping Centre, McPhater Street, Glasgow. The various contests are as follows:
P/A Piobaireachd: Donald MacLeod Trophy: 5 places, 3 prizes £100, £70, £40; submit 4 tunes.
B Piobaireachd: 5 places, 3 prizes £80, £50, £30; submit 3 tunes
C Piobaireachd: 5 places, 3 prizes £70, £40, £20; submit 3 tunes
6/8 March: Duncan MacFadyen Memorial Trophy; one prize of £50; own choice 6/8 to be played during tuning for the P/A Piobaireachd
Winners’ gallery from 2024

P/A/B March: [5 places] 3 prizes £50, £30, £25 Submit 3 tunes, one to be played.
P/A/B S&R: [5 places] 3 prizes. £50, £30, £25 Submit 3 of each, one of each to be played.
MSR for Former Winners of P/A M & S/R: Eachen Caimbeul Trophy and 3 prizes. £100, £70, £40
Submit 4 of each, two of each to be played once over.
C March: [5 places] 3 prizes £40, £25, £20 Submit 3 tunes, one to be played.
C S&R: [5 places] 3 prizes. £40, £25, £20 Submit 3 of each, one of each to be played.
We’ve been made aware of a few entries where we have submissions of tunes but no actual entry. Can we ask all competitors to ensure that they have BOTH clicked on the event (box with +£10 at the end) and provided tune names. Unfortunately without clicking to enter the event, no entry is generated for you.
Entry Fee £10 per event. Enter here. Doors open 8.30am; admission at door; all welcome.