Outcomes from the Latest RSPBA Board of Directors Meeting

Committee looking at ways of reducing the time taken for massed bands, march past and prize-givings

Take aways from the recent RSPBA Board of Directors meeting….. The association has formed a group to examine ways of reducing the time it takes for the March Past and prize announcements at contests, particularly the Majors.

BoD have agreed that at the World Championship all qualifying announcements will held at the Needle on Glasgow Green. 

Former Chairman Kevin Reilly will continue his involvement within the 850th celebrations for Glasgow 2025 and this will probably involve a street parade. 

A circuit of solo piping competitions similar to drumming will not be taken forward. This will be left to the branches.

Rules may be relaxed to allow overseas pipers to play for more than one band at the World Solo Drumming.

MacRaeBanner ’19
Ayrshire Bagpipes Nov 2020
annual conference banner psd
PB ensemble ad – Feb 2025

A request has been made to promote the Pipe Band College on the RSPBA website and social media platforms. It has also been suggested that the Review Board currently examining the format, make up and efficacy of the College, be abandoned with the College continuing more or less as is.

The Pipe Band College is to send out a survey asking overseas bands if they would like to sit exams at HQ during Worlds Week. 

Chris Ross, the new RSPBA fundraiser, has been employed three days a week. He will  look at raising money to support bands in deprived areas. Chris will be invited to the next Board of Directors meeting to discuss strategy. 

The AGM in 2025 will have the full Board of Directors in person at RSPBA HQ. 

A major championship group was formed last year to seek sponsorship and venues; this group’s work should continue. Confirmation of fourth 2025 major championship is imminent; Worlds, Euros and Scottish confirmed already. Scottish Championship arena layout to be looked into. 

Concerns were expressed about the date of the Europeans [August 9]. Northern Irish bands like to have a contest before the Worlds but travelling to the Euros was expensive. Only a couple of bands from NI attend all majors. Permission needed for a local contest on the same date as the Euros. The majority of the BoD thought this was not a problem. 

A request came into HQ with regards to a non-executive Director to support the RSPBA. The President, on behalf of the Chair, will advance this and the to see how he can contribute then the Board will decide. 

HQ to send correspondence to two bands who allegedly broke Standing Orders and Rules to inform them that HQ had been made aware of the alleged rule break and to request the P/Ms to explain. 

Purchase of new chairs for adjudicators was voted a success; more to be bought; the post of Music Board Convenor still vacant; annual subscriptions to go live; trophy fines to be increased.

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