The 2020 Academy will take place once more in Jacksonville, Florida, promoted by the local fire department pipe band. The outline for the week is as follows:
Fly in Mon 24 February: Meet & greet 7pm; auditions; sort pipes; early finish. Classes proper start 9am Tuesday: break 10.30; lunch 12 noon; classes 1 – 2pm; break/ practice/ piobaireachd class 3pm/ band practice 4pm.
The school follows this pattern most days but it is not set in stone. One to one lessons will be slotted in. All levels catered for. Exam programme available. Curriculum as per the Bagpipe Tutor Books 1 – 3.

Each evening piping ceilidh/ talk in the meeting area at the fire house. Finish 9pm. Weds 26th Feb evening pub night. Friday evening 28th Feb concert in large hall with certificates presentation/ photographs.
North East Florida Highland Games on Saturday 29th – option top attend. Instructors fly home Sunday March 1.
Instructors are Robert Wallace, Barry Donaldson, Matt Pantaleoni, Donald MacBride and Graham Brown.
Organiser Chris McKeown said: ‘It is going to be another great school and an opportunity for pipers everywhere to fly in for some winter sun and world class piping and drumming tuition.
‘Pipers and drummers of all levels are welcome. Class sizes will be kept to a minimum and there will be an opportunity for one-to-one instruction with our expert teachers.
‘Registration for the academy is in full swing. Please send your deposits of $250 to me via PayPal or I can send you an invoice.
‘Piping books for the course can be ordered beforehand here. Visit our website here.