Another successful Northern Winter School in Germany and I would like to thank all the students in my class for their hard work over the six days of intense study. The full school picture is above and features the majority of the pipers, drummers and drum mjors who attended.
The dates for next year’s school have already been announced by Principal Ronnie Bromhead: November 6 -13. The response has been such, that, all things being equal, the 60+ student numbers will continue to grow.
The closing concert was before an audience which must has been over 200, a good figure even though entry was free. Brian Lamond had them in raptures with his sung version of the ‘Ewe wi’ the Crookit Horn’, the rest of the instructors then joining in playing it on the pipes.
The usual crowd pleasers after that, Amazing Grace and Highland Cathedral with keyboard backing, then a march off to the Black Bear.
Jimmy McIntosh
Jimmy McIntosh tells me he is moving house, but staying in South Carolina. Jimmy is cutting back on his teaching and donating his music archive to St Thomas’ Episcopal School in Houston, Texas. This will give this school, Headmaster Mike Cusack, a superb resource and will further establish their reputation as a world education centre for piping and pipe bands.
Kilmarnock PB
Karen McCrindle Warren has sent this: ‘Kilmarnock Pipe Band performed in the Palace Theatre in Kilmarnock on Saturday 26th October as part of a larger show with ‘Scott Watson and Friends’. It was a great opportunity to test our new competition material, and having it performance ready at this stage sets us up well for the coming season.’ The band is pictured below with Scott:

Oz Silver Chanter
There seem to be ‘Silver Chanter’ contests all over the place these days. Here are some results from the version run by the RU Brown Piobaireachd Society in South Australia. The judge was Denis Browning:
D Grade: 1 Daniel Shepherd 2 William Mulligan 3 Kiara Di Gusto
C Grade: 1 William Mulligan 2 Abbie Spicer 3 Ella Fleming
D Grade: 1 Daniel Shepherd 2 William Mullisgan
B Grade: 1 Andrew Fuller 2 Stephen Ross
A Grade: 1 Stephen Ross 2 Brett Tidswell 3 Brian Scown
P/M Mick Haggerty

Denis Browning mentioned above has sent this regarding P/M Mick Haggerty, South Uist’s ‘forgotten’ war hero: ‘With many thanks to Ewan Pitkeathly (son of Captain Andrew Pitkeathly – Argylls and former Director of Army Bagpipe Music) I have been able to receive copies of Pipe Major Mick Haggerty‘s service records. An extract is attached’:
An extract from the service records of Pipe Major Michael John Haggarty:
Born: May 8, 1906
Enlisted: Fort William 2 Aug, 1926
Promoted: LCpl 9 May, 1932
Promoted: Cpl 25 June, 1935
P/Ms Course: 1 Aug, 1933 – 3 March 1935
Promoted Sgt. and P/M: 31 Aug, 1935
Promoted Acting C/Sgt: 1 Nov, 1939
Promoted C/Sgt: 1 Nov, 1939
Requested rank Sgt: 29 Jan, 1942
Embarked UK: 7 Jan, 1943
Disembarked N Africa: 17 Jan, 1943
Awarded Africa Star: 2 Feb, 1944
Embarked N Africa: 15 July, 1945
Disembarked UK: 24 July, 1945
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal: 14 Feb, 1946
Awarded 1939 – 45 War Medal: 6 June, 1946
Awarded Defence Medal: 7 March, 1947
Promoted WO2: 11 Aug, 1947
Appointed Colour Sgt. Maj: 8 Aug, 1948
Meritorious Service Medal with annuity: 1 May, 1948

The following is from his Notification of Impending Release
Military Conduct: Exemplary
Testimonial: A smart soldier and a good disciplinarian. This Warrant Officer is honest, sober, trustworthy and a good shot. He should prove an asset to any employer.
My name is Donald John MacDonald and P/M Michael Haggerty was my grand uncle, I joined the 1st Bn Queen’s Own Highlanders (Seaforth & Cameron) In February 1979 at the Scottish Infantry Depot Glencorse outside Edinburgh.
I learned the chanter from the late Roddy Gillies South Uist when I lived in Iochdar, and on joining the Battalion I ended up joining the Pipes & Drums, I was known as 59.
My first posting was to Hong Kong and during this period the Pipes & Drums went to Australia to take part in the Melbourne Military Tattoo,
I remember getting a letter from my father asking me to visit his uncle Michael Haggerty but due to the Tattoo I never made it, I served from 79/89
Kind Regards
DJ MacDonald