We are grateful to Craig Munro of Wallace Bagpipes for forwarding these results from this EUSPBA sanctioned contest in the US. The picture above is of the Open winners at Ohio: Craig Munro, Nick Hudson and Laureano Thomas-Sanchez
Open Piob
1 Nick Hudson
2 Alistair Murray
3 Laureano Thomas-Sanchez
4 Sean Patrick Regan
5 Alistair Murray
Judge: C MacDonald
Open MSR
1 Craig Munro
2 Nick Hudson
3 Laureano Thomas-Sanchez
4 Dan Lyden
5 Alastair Murray
Judge: S MacNeill
Open H&J
1 Laureano Thomas-Sanchez
2 Nick Hudson
3 Dan Lyden
4 Craig Munro
5 Alistair Murray
Judge: C Abercrombie
Some other results:
G4 Jnr 2/4 March
1 Reece Calovini
2 Riley Miracle
3 Stevie Hyde
Judge: S MacNeil
G4 Jnr S&R
1 Riley Miracle
2 Ray Cal
3 Reece Calovini
Judge: J Dillahey
Novice Practice Chanter
1 Aidan Tolliver
2 Jacquelyn Ellsworth
Judge: C Abercrombie
G5 2-part March
1 Daniel Reece
2 Samuel Cappiello
3 Milan Gilmore
Judge: J Dillahey
G4 Snr. 2/4 March
1 John Harriman
2 George Smith
3 Glenna Van Dyke
Judge: D Hall
G4 Snr. 6/8 March
1 Ethan Manley
2 Glenna Van Dyke
3 John Harriman
Judge: B Conway
G5 Snr Piob
1 Daniel Reese
2 Meghan McElhinney
3 Paul Harrison
Judge: N Hudson
G4 Jnr Piob
1 Reece Calovini
2 Ray Cal
3 Riley Miracle
Judge: D Lyden
G1 Snr Piob
1 Kevin Darmadi
2 Michael Trenor
3 Joseph Horwath
Judge: D Lyden
G2 Medley: Great Lakes; G2 MSR: Great Lakes; Best drums and did section: Great Lakes
G3 MSR: North Coast, 2 Buffalo Bagpipe Band; Best drums: Buffalo; Best Mid Section: North Coast
G4 Medley: 1 87th Cleveland, 2 North Coast, 3 Louisville, 4 Michigan Scottish
Best drums and mid section: 87th Cleveland
G5 Quick March Set: 1 Michigan Scottish 2 Cincinnati Caledonian 3 Balmoral P&D 4 87th Cleveland; Best drums and mid section: 87th Cleveland
- Check here for more results later.