House of Scotland Tartan Day Solo Piping Competitions in Balboa Park, San Diego, April 7, 2019 Prize Pipe Piobaireachd Competition.
Combined Amateur Event for Grades 2, 3, and 4. Competitors were asked to submit one tune of their own choosing. Result:
1st: Arnold Edwards
2nd: Alan Wood
3rd: Megan Kenney
4th: Stephanie Trudeau
5th: Kurt Hoeger
6th: Frisco Adams
Judge: Neil Clark

1st place won a vintage set of Robertson Bagpipes donated by the Shasta Piping Society, and J. Dunbar Bagpipes provided the restoration work. The set came with a new wooden chanter donated by The Burley Bagpipe Company. Second place won the music collection by the the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Pipe Music Collection. Third place won the ‘Pipers Meeting’ book by Patrick Molard and Dr Jack Taylor.
Grade 4 2/4 March
1st: Noah Mittler
2nd: Juli Gillispie
3rd: Julia Budzak
4th: Michael Custodia
5th: Alec Hier
6th: Brennah McCague
Judge: Seumas Coyne
Grade 4 Slow March
1st: Noah Mittwer
2nd: Juli Gillispie
3rd: Keith Richards
4th: Nathan Acosta
5th: Tanya Lamoreaux
6th: Michael Custodia
Judge: Aaron Shaw
Grade 4 6/8 March
1st: Noah Mittwer
2nd: Julia Budzak
3rd: Jeremiah Hendargo
4th: Frisco Adams
5th: Juli Gillispie
6th: Alec Hier
Judge: Aaron Shaw
Overall Grade 4 Winner: Noah Mittwer
Noah also took home a new practice chanter kindly donated by McCallum Bagpipes Ltd.
Check out the slide show:
Grade 3 2/4 March:
1st: Arnold Edwards
2nd: Karen McIlvena
3rd: Alan Wood
4th: Connor Eckert
5th: Megan Kenney
Judge: Seumas Coyne
Grade 3 Strathspey / Reel:
1st: Connor Eckert
2nd: Arnold Edwards
3rd: Alan Wood
4th: Karen McIlvena
5th: Kurt Hoeger
6th: Megan Kenney
Judge: Aaron Shaw
Grade 3 Jig:
1st: Connor Eckert
2nd: Alan Wood
3rd: Arnold Edwards
4th: Megan Kenney
5th: Kurt Hoeger
Judge: Seumas Coyne
Overall Grade 3 Winner: Connor Eckert
Connor also took home a new bagpipe chanter kindly donated by McCallum Bagpipes Ltd.
Grade 2 MSR:1st: Stephanie Trudeau
Judge: Seumas Coyne
Overall Grade 2 Winner: Stephanie Trudeau
Stephanie also took home a new bagpipe chanter kindly donated by McCallum Bagpipes Ltd.
The organisers would like to thank the House of Scotland Balboa Park, the House of Scotland Pipe Band, the Shasta Piping Society, The Burley Bagpipe Company, McCallum Bagpipes, House of Pacific Relations International Cottages, Inc., Falkirk Piping & Glenbervie Folk Duo., Neil Clark, Seumas Coyne, Aaron Shaw, Western United States Pipe Band Association (WUSPBA), and the Western United States Pipe Band Association Southern Branch.
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