We now have recordings all three prize-winning tunes from our John Cruickshank VC composing competition.
In first place was Dave Mason, Cincinnati, Ohio:
In second place we had a tune from P/M Gordon Walker:
In third place was a composition from young professional piper John Dew:
The competition drew a wide entry from around the world. A distinguished panel of experts narrowed dozens of tunes down to three and came up with the above list.

Did P/M’s Ian McLellan, Richard Parkes and Stuart Liddell and PP Editor Robert Wallace get it right in your view? Comments are invited below.
The winning tune will be played for Mr Cruickshank at a special luncheon on May 15. He will also receive a framed copy of the tune and a memento to mark the occasion. The tune will be performed by the composer who is travelling from the US.
The celebration will be held in the Royal Northern & University Club, Aberdeen, of which Mr Cruickshank (98) is a member.
The competition was sponsored by the Club and Piping Press. Prizewinners received cheques for £1,000, £200 and £100.
Read about Mr Cruickshank’s incredible bravery during WW2 here.
The RSPBA have announced that for this season Helensburgh will replace Shotts as the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch Pipe Band Championship event.
It was announced earlier this year that due to financial and other considerations Shotts, for the first time in decades, would no longer host a pipe band competition.

Entry forms for the following contests have now been made available on the RSPBA website: Gourock, Helensburgh, Rothesay and Cowal.
Go to the RSPBA calendar and click on the appropriate event to access the form.