And so it came to pass that there we were midst the mightily magnificent grandeur of Glasgow Cathedral. The organ thundered the ‘Bridal Chorus’ from Wagner’s Lohengrin, necks craned, eyes dampened and into our vision stepped a beautiful bride gracefully leaving her father to take her place beside her intended.
This was piping’s Wedding of the Year, the union of Darach Urquhart and Helen Wilkinson. The warmth of the June day was only matched by the warmth the congregation felt for the couple as they gave all the proper answers to the paukily humourous minister, the Reverend Keith Ross.
No, the Best Man, another Ross, Ross Cowan, did not fumble or forget the ring and the Bride’s Maid, her sister Louise, kept the veil just so. Readings and prayers and hymns and hankies and out we all went following the happy couple onto the piazza in Cathedral Square to a host of golden smiles from tourists and music from duty pipers Gordon Bruce and Finlay Johnston, champions both. How we loved the refreshing tradition of it all.
Photographs, and then on to the Piping Centre where the nuptials were completed into the late evening, the gourmet food and wine flowing with a generosity not always matched and never enjoyed more.
Dancing and drams and off to Greece on honeymoon went Mr and Mrs Urquhart leaving behind a gladdened heart in the breast of everyone present. RW
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Pipers playing at the ceilidh:
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