Lothian and Borders branch band, The City of Edinburgh, has announced the line-up for the 2016 Pipe Majors’ Wheel of Fortune competition. The band has sent this:
‘Brian Lamond, a former Pipe Major of Dysart and Dundonald and a member of the Victoria Police Pipe Band which won the World’s in 1998, will return to defend the title he won in 2015. From Dunfermline in Fife, Brian will be joined by a stellar group of pipers who have enjoyed success in the folk scene as well as in pipe band and solo competition. Brian is pictured at last year’s competition.
‘Completing the line-up at Danderhall Miners Club, near Edinburgh, on Saturday 13th February, are:
- Chris Armstrong, Pipe Major of Scottish Power and Gold Medallist at the Northern Meeting in 2003.
- Callum Beaumont, a member of the reformed Spirit of Scotland Pipe Band and winner of the Clasp at the Northern Meeting in 2015.
- Jonathan Greenlees, a winner of six World titles with Field Marshall Montgomery and winner of the Dunvegan Medal in 2008.
- Alasdair Henderson, Pipe Sergeant of Inveraray and District Pipe Band and winner of the Silver Medal at the Northern Meeting in 2013.
Finlay with his Gold Medal trophies at the 2015 Northern Meeting
- Finlay Johnston, Gold Medallist at the Northern Meeting in 2015 and a member of the Spirit of Scotland.
- Douglas Murray, Pipe Major of Police Scotland Fife Pipe Band and double Gold Medallist at the Argyllshire Gathering and Northern Meeting in 2014.
- Angus Nicholson, leader of the Angus Nicholson Trio and winner of the under 18 section at the Northern Meeting in 2002.
Announcing the pipers on behalf of the band, Pipe Major Barry Donaldson (left) said: ‘We’re really pleased that some of the top pipers in the world have agreed to compete in our ninth annual Pipe Majors’ Wheel of Fortune competition. I’m already looking forward to hearing the guys in action on an afternoon where entertainment and musical expression come to the fore.’
The Wheel of Fortune competition – which requires competitors to play an MSR, some light music of their choice and a selection of tunes determined by spinning the Wheel’s golden chanter – is one of the more innovative fundraising ventures in the pipe band world.
The Pipe Major added: ‘Our event started out with the aim of releasing pipers from the constraints of traditional solo competition. By performing their party pieces and pitting their wits against the Wheel, the pipers who join us can express themselves to the full. Beyond preparing for the next season, there’s not much happening during the dark winter months for pipers and piping enthusiasts. We wanted to give them an afternoon they would remember.
‘Over the years, we’ve paid more attention to the fundraising benefits of our event. Like many bands, we’re entirely self-funded. The income generated by the Wheel of Fortune – from ticket sales and through our auction and raffle – makes an important contribution to our band’s funds and we really appreciate the support of the pipers who take part, our sponsors, and our audience. With another brilliant line-up, we’re looking forward to welcoming a bumper crowd to Danderhall Miners Club.’
Entry to the event, which will be opened by the City of Edinburgh Schools Pipe Band, is £15.00 for adults and £5.00 for under 16s. The competition begins at 12.00pm prompt, with doors open from 11.30am. For enquiries about the competition, please contact Paul White, Secretary of the City of Edinburgh Pipe Band, by calling 07941 679015 or sending an email to paulwhite2@blueyonder.co.uk.
Have a look at a video from last year’s event here.
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