The following pipers have been invited to play at the Glenfiddich Championship held each October at Blair Castle, Perthshire (qualifying event(s) in brackets):
Iain Speirs (holder and Northern Meeting Clasp and pictured above with the Glenfiddich trophy)
Bruce Gandy (Snr. Piob. at Oban)
Douglas Murray (double Gold Medallist 2014)
Roderick MacLeod (Bratach Gorm 2013)
Stuart Liddell (Masters Champion and Former Winners’ MSR at Oban)
Niall Stewart (Former Winners’ MSR at Inverness)
Gordon McCready (Former Winners’ prizewinner at Oban)
Angus MacColl (Snr. Piob. prizewinner at Oban)
William McCallum (Former Winners’ runner-up at Oban and Inverness)
Jack Lee (prizewinner in Clasp at Inverness)
Judges are: Andrew Wright, William Wotherspoon, Colin MacLellan (piob) and John Wilson, Malcolm McRae, Ronnie MacShannon (MSR).
The date and time of this year’s competition is at 10am October 25th. For details contact
Liz Maxwell on
In past years the competition has been Livestreamed via the National Piping Centre website.
Other forthcoming competitions for your diary are :
September 20 – Springbank Invitational Piping Competition in Seafield Hotel, Campbeltown. Contact: W McCallum 01586 552508
October 4 – The Captain John A MacLellan MBE Piping Championship; Inchdrewer House. Enquiries 0131 310 5564
October 20 – Festival of Juvenile Solo Piping: Auchenharvie School, Stevenston, Ayrshire
November 1 – London contest scottishpipingsociety of
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