Jimmy Banks: Calum Brown won our KO yesterday (Apr. 28) against Calum Watson and will meet Cameron MacDougall in the final on Sunday 19 May.
Venue is the Scots Guards Club, Haymarket, Edinburgh. Get there early as there is sure to be a large crowd. Contact: jmb9194@hotmail.com for more.
Andrew Carlisle reports:
Virginia International Tattoo American Pipe Band Championship 2019, Norfolk VA, April 27.
Grade 3 MSR
1 Carnegie Mellon University
2 Ulster Scottish
3 St Thomas Episcopal
4 Wake & Dist. Public Safety
5 4 Scots RRS
6 MacMillan Birtles
Grade 3 Medley
1 Carnegie Mellon University
2 St Thomas Episcopal
3 Ulster Scottish (ensemble pref.)
4 Wake & Dist. Public Safety
5 4 Scots RRS
6 MacMillan Birtles
Drumming: St Thomas
1 Carnegie Mellon University
2 St Thomas Episcopal
3 Ulster Scottish
4 Wake & Dist. Public Safety
5 4 Scots RRS
6 MacMillan Birtles
Grade 2 MSR
1 MacMillan
2 4 Scots RRS

Grade 2 Medley
1 MacMillan
2 4 Scots RRS
Drumming: MacMillan
Marching and Deportment in both G2 & G3: 4 Scots RRS; Special Marching & Deportment prize: Jordanian Army Combined Band.
American Pipe Band Championship Drum Fanfare competition, winning a plaque and $1000: MacMillan PipeBand under the direction of leading drummer Alex Kuldell.
Judges: Ken Eller, London, Ontario, Canada, Nat Russell GC OAM, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Alec MacIntyre Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Jim Sim, Chicago, Illinois, Glenn Kvidahl, Los Angeles, California, Scot Walker, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania; G2: Andrew Carlisle, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Lyric Todkill, Houston, Texas
Awards were presented by the Senior Pipe Major of the British Army and current holder of the Northern Meeting Inverness Silver Medal, Warrant Officer 1st Class Pipe Major Ross McCrindle, Scots Guards, and Senior Drum Major Robert McCutcheon, 1st Battalion Scots Guards.