Piping Press

A Review of the Worlds Day 2

Triumphant…the 2023 Worlds Champions, Peoples Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia

My plan for the Saturday was to listen to the whole of the Grade 1 MSR and then to try to take in some of the performances in the other grades.

Grade 1: I thought Inveraray were the outstanding band in the morning, again fluent and finger perfect. Boghall were good but a shade careful, though the technique in the strathspey was outstanding. FMM had a poor run with one piper not getting away and the band lacking precision in the double D, double B, double low G runs in the Argyllshire Gathering – at least from where I was sitting.

By the Editor

Has the Worlds 2023 final result put paid to the mega band? I have been calling for some time for a cap on numbers. Imagine if six pipers and a couple of drummers from FMM joined Closkelt. Result: two brilliant NI bands.

But it may be that natural selection will obviate the necessity of a rule change. There can be no doubt that this year the ‘smaller’ bands at the top end, Inveraray and Boghall, demonstrated a clarity of technique and perhaps even a better purity of sound. We’ll see.

MacRaeBanner ’19
Ayrshire Bagpipes Nov 2020
shepherd banner ’22
silver chanter banner 2024

Throughout the morning there was a lull in proceedings between bands. The RSPBA should cut the 10 minutes given to each performance to eight. Most MSRs took only four or five. I used the time to cast my eye over the G1 arena.

Those new chicken shack seats are really not worth it. When the rain came on, as it did frequently, there was no protection at all for those who had forked out for a berth, excepting those in the back two rows. Worse is the fact that promoters Glasgow Life have positioned them open to the prevailing weather and miles away from the centre circle. I am sure a few people felt shortchanged.

Let’s follow the example of the Scottish at Dumbarton, admit things could be better and re-locate the arenas and the seating – with the audience and elements uppermost in the mind. Glasgow Green is a huge space with plenty of room to work with, the needs of ‘Elf and Safety’ and the BBC wagons accepted.

Seating was too far from the circle and exposed to the elements

Now to the Nat Russell business. His assessment, which I understand placed Boghall 14th in the first day’s MSR, was clearly an aberration, a germ in the petri dish of perfection this band displayed. The RSPBA showed decisive leadership in refusing to accept Mr Russell’s rogue result, dismissing it completely.

Not one of his 15 adjudicator colleagues in Grade 1 had Boghall anywhere other than in the top three, except one who had them fourth. Let there be no doubt that Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia are the deserved winners of the World Championship 2023.

There now needs to be an inquiry, with Mr Russell, a Worlds winner who deserves our respect, asked to account for his auditory deficiencies. The reputation of the Adjudicator’s Panel, a body which operates independently of the RSPBA, hangs in the balance. They must act quickly to restore respect and confidence. Remember, the RSPBA need not stick with the current arrangement for judging. The Board of Directors must demand a detailed report from the AP as soon as is practicable and all outcomes shared with the bands.

This may also be an opportunity to do something about the basic adjudication method. Let’s have more consultation and how long have you been reading my rants at the walkabout system employed by judges? They should be seated at a table facing the band, judging it as a whole not poking around between pipers determined to find some bad blowing on one side whilst missing entirely a wrong note on the other. (By the way, credit to the drumming judge Mr Dinsdale who spent some time listening to the drums through the pipes.)

The joy of winning, Boghall piper Derek Boyce seconds after the result was announced

My last word on dress. Judges should set an example to bands, not the other way round. Trews are fine if they are real trews. Properly cut and paired with the shorter jacket, they look very smart. But they are expensive, hence the ever-growing tartan breeks brigade. (Whilst on the subject of dress I am happy to point out that the judge wearing the unusual headgear mentioned yesterday had been given permission to do so because of a medical issue.)

At the end of Day Two I returned to hear the last two runs in G1, Police Scotland and Inveraray. It meant I had listened live to 50 of 64 performances in the grade. Two bands emerged as contenders for the crown: Inveraray and Boghall. The latter’s Medley, which I missed, seems to have been the deciding factor and those of us who have championed this band and their community foundation for many years could not have been more delighted.

Before leaving Grade 1 I want to pay tribute to the bands that travelled so far to compete. Canterbury were the best of the Kiwis for me, their sound just edging out the highly musical Manawatu. St Thomas Alumni are clearly the top band in the US and certainly number two in North America after the inspiring SFU.

Closer to home, congratulations to Ewen Henderson and the improvement he has wrought at Police Scotland. Elsewhere, I repeat, look out for Shotts next year. To Johnstone and Fife Police I say this: you are class bands, well worth your place in the grade. Keep the faith, keep at it, witness the Boggies.

In the other grades, Annan were outstanding in winning Grade 2. Will they want G1? Good G2 playing from Manorcunningham, good sound from Ravara, and also MacMillan from the US. And how pleasing it was to see senior officers from Peel Police there to support their band. So far from home, the band was smart and dignified; gentlemen, they did not let your force down no matter the final placings.

Officers of the Peel Regional Police, Canada, at the Worlds to support their band

I heard some of G3A as well. Clogher: a very musical band. Coalburn: musical too but maybe the sound could have been better. And there was my old mucker from the Piobaireachd Society Bill Wotherspoon in a starring role with City of Newcastle!

Overall a superb Worlds masterminded by the RSPBA and its huge cadre of volunteers. Well done to everyone and in particular to Colin Mulhern the Chief Executive who is quietly growing into the role left by the legendary Ian Embelton.

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