Piping Press

Editor’s Notebook: RSPBA Majors/ Brittany/ Angus Recital/ Scots College/ NZ Drums

Boghall & Bathgate the current British Pipe Band Champions

I understand an announcement on the fifth major pipe band championship is imminent. The smart money is on the town of Dumfries and the month June. All unconfirmed of course.

Ulster bands, none too happy with the 2025 UKs being on the 12th of July (Ingliston), can be cheered – a ferry hop to Stranraer and a drive along the A75 will bring them to the 2025 British Pipe Band Championships. They usually make the Scottish and the Worlds. Now a third major is likely to be well within reach.

Much of the criticism levelled at the RSPBA over ‘the 12th’ decision was somewhat unfair. The Association’s imperative is to stage the majors. Where and when is always secondary to making them happen. Ingliston is an ideal spot. Plenty of space and unparalleled transport links.

The financial model is clearly different from the local authority norm sought hitherto: a council pays the RSPBA to stage a championship. Ingliston must be different, though how different we don’t know yet.

I can’t see the Royal Highland Centre sponsoring a pipe band contest. Do they take the gate money in return for the venue? Are the RSPBA financing the prizes and other costs themselves?

MacRaeBanner ’19
Ayrshire Bagpipes Nov 2020
annual conference banner psd
PB ensemble ad – Feb 2025

Breton Music

Loïc Dennis in Brittany has forwarded this video:

Loïc himself on pipes, with Eric Quéméré on bombarde, and Henri Pierre Ruello on the organ. The venue was the church ‘Trinité-sur-Mer’ presumably in Loïc’s home town of Lanaster. The tune is by the late Paddy Maloney of the Chieftains.

Angus Recital
Mackenzie Caledonian Pipe Band is hosting a recital by Angus MacColl in Broughty Ferry on March 7 next year. Venue is the Woodlands Hotel. Local pipers will provide the warm-up. 25% of tickets already snapped up, £15 and £10 (concession). Get yours here.

Scots College
Thought these pictures would help remind northern hemisphere types what blue sky looks like. They’re from reader Joan Robertson-Gregg. She writes: ‘Was at the Sydney pipe band competition held at Scots College where our youngest grandson studies and is learning to play the pipes. The small boys in red kilts are from Knox College. The new building at background (castle) was just opened two weeks ago.’

NZ Drums
Adam Alexander, Drumming Co-Ordinator for the Royal New Zealand Pipe Bands’ Association: The RSPBA have granted us permission to host the 2025 Oceania Adult Solo Drumming Championship in Christchurch on April 5. Four qualifying spots gain automatic entry to the 2025 WSD Semi-Final in Glasgow next October.

In addition to the Adult Snare qualifier, we will be hosting Juvenile sections 1-5 Snare, and Adult Tenor. We wanted to get this information out as soon as possible so people can plan and book in advance. This comes off the back of a successful 2024 event, where Steven Shedden and Scott Birrell both qualified for the WSD Semi Final.

Happy Christmas everyone; we’ll be back on Friday.

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