Argyllshire Gathering Announces Gold & Silver Medal Contestants
Robert Wallace
The Argyllshire Gathering have announced the competitors in this year’s major Gold and Silver Medal competitions to be held in Oban on August 24/25. As last year, 28 places have been allocated in each event.
Piping Convenor Torquil Telfer said: ‘These selection were arrived at after much deliberation and consideration. We have tried to be as fair as possible based on the information available on each player and his/her track record. We always want the very best pipers playing at the Argyllshire Gathering and we think the lists reflect that.’
The picture up top features Jamie Troy winner of the Silver Medal and runner-up in last year’s Gold Medal contest.
Pipers are asked to submit lists of piobaireachd selected by the Music Committee of the Piobaireachd Society; rarely do they compete with their favourite pieces. Just to get to play at Oban and Inverness is an achievement of itself, and any success is rightly lauded as a major milestone in any piper’s career.
Sandy Cameron receives the 2015 Oban Silver Medal from John Campbell of Kilberry, sponsor of the event. Sandy now plays for the Gold Medal
GOLD MEDAL (NOT in order of playing):
Glenn Brown, Canada, domiciled in Scotland
Donald MacPhee, USA, domiciled in Scotland
William Geddes, Dumfries
Derek Midgley, USA
Andrea Boyd, Canada
Dr Innes Smith, Bridge of Allan
James MacHattie, Canada
Jori Chisholm, USA
Jonathan Greenlees, Northern Ireland
Jenny Hazzard, Canada, domiciled in Scotland
Sean McKeown, Canada
Chris Armstrong, Airth
Decker Forrest, USA, domiciled in Scotland
Andrew Carlisle, Northern Ireland, domiciled in the US
Gordon Bruce, Kilwinning
James Troy, Canada
Angus John MacColl, Benderloch
Allan Russell, Fife
Peter McCallister, Dunblane
Andrew Hayes, Canada
Alasdair Henderson, Glasgow
Fiona Manson, New Zealand
Alastair Lee, Canada
Gordon McCready, Glasgow
Jamie Forrester, London
Cameron Drummond, Edinburgh
Sandy Cameron, Roy Bridge
Ian K Macdonald, Canada
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SILVER MEDAL (NOT in playing order):
Andrew Lee, Canada (Gold Medal Reserve)
Craig Sutherland, Pitlochry (Gold Medal Reserve)
Sarah Muir, Campbeltown
Connor Sinclair, Crieff
Xavier Bouderiou, France
Ursa Beckford, USA
Eric Ouellette, USA
Ben Duncan, HM Forces
Ana Kummerlow, Germany
Andrew Lewis, USA
Ben McClamrock, USA
Charles MacDonald, Inverness
Jacob Dicker, Canada
Greig Canning, Fife
Stuart Easton, New Zealand
Michael Elder, Fife
Michael Fitzhenry, Northern Ireland
Nicholas Hudson, USA
Martin Kessler, Germany
Edward McIllwaine, Canada
Darach Urquhart, Glasgow
Ed Bush, USA
Cameron MacDougall, Inverness
John Lee, Canada
Andrew Donlon, USA
Kris Coyle, Northern Ireland
Andrew Wright, Dundee
Mael Sicard-Cras, France
Steven Leask, Glasgow
Andrew Hall, Northern Ireland
Matt Pantaleoni, USA