Piping Press

RSPBA Confirm Friday Move for Juvenile Bands

Juvenile bands only on Friday at the Worlds

The RSPBA has confirmed that the Friday of the Worlds (August 15) will be day for Juvenile and Novice contests. There will be no such contests on the Saturday.

The clarification comes after Piping Press reported a parent’s concern about the mooted change last Friday. He said there had been a lack of communication with band members and their parents and that the Friday move would alienate the children from their ‘heroes’ in the adult grades.

In a statement Jackie Allan of the Association’s Media and Marketing Committee said: ‘Following on from the 2024 Worlds, there has been a lengthy and detailed dialogue with pipe majors of Juvenile and Novice Juvenile bands.

‘The intent is to hold all their contests and their prize giving on the Friday. The Grade 1 Friday events will continue to be in Arena 1.

‘Additional arenas will be opened up for the heats and finals of the Juveniles and Novice. Spectators will have more to enjoy on the Friday, and it will make the ever-increasing number of bands in the adult contests easier to manage on the Saturday.’  

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Former Field Marshal Montgomery P/Sgt and RG Hardie & Co manager Alastair Dunn supported the RSPBA decision. In a comment to Piping Press he said: ‘I understand the parent’s concerns, but it is up to the pipe band community to support this idea.

‘Every pipe band enthusiast should make their way to the Green on Friday and support our kids. They are the future of pipe bands.

‘I would hope they are offered a significant discount on Saturday tickets to encourage attendance. Let’s make this day just as big and meaningful as the Saturday event.

‘It is a highlight for me to watch juvenile bands at all levels. These players and their teachers/leaders are a huge inspiration to me. We should make the winning bands playing off with their trophies as big a deal as we do for the Grade 1 winners.

‘There is a lot of pessimism around the future of pipe bands, but it is up to us to change the direction.’

But former Northern Ireland Branch official Mervyn Herron MBE wrote: ‘Please don’t shove the youngsters to the Friday; they are the future and should be celebrated and showcased on the main day.’

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