Piping Press

More Comment on Decline of the Pipe Band Movement

These are perilous times for the pipe band movement which, as the editor states, is in something of a decline. But more than that, the RSPBA has once again demonstrated that it is incapable of preventing it, despite the role of the governing body being to oversee the flourishing of our cultural pastime.

By A Special Correspondent

Over many years, we have seen those all too keen to put the boot into the Association, and much of the criticism they have received I have not agreed with. Right now I feel for the RSPBA – but they do little to help themselves in these most difficult of financial times.

At the end of the day, their lack of communication and disregard for bands’ views is what really grates.

We have a local branch system that is simply out of date, inefficient and not fit for purpose. If it were working properly, everyone would have known that the fifth major negotiations were in trouble some months ago.

The RSPBA, via its branches, could have appealed for help, or at least kept everyone up to date with progress. As band members we assume everything is ticking along, until we get an announcement saying that it’s not. 

From a newspaper cutting last year

Having a Major Championship right in the middle of July shows the lack of clout the RSPBA currently has. They were quite simply forced to take this date as there was nothing else on the table. Their hands were tied.

Even so, the promise of this being moved to a more convenient date next year, was not, despite what the editor wrote, because the RSPBA had ‘listened’. Their hand was forced by pressure from the membership.

Had they checked with the branches beforehand the mistake may have been avoided, or at least the decision taken with the bands better understanding the position the Association was in.

What does all this upset say to our youngest and most inexperienced pipers and drummers in Novice B? The 2024 World Championships results were hard for them to bear. (The wrong band was declared the winner.)

It was a humiliation for the Association and a cause of much anguish for the youngsters. Several months on, the current troubles hardly instil confidence in the way things are being run.

The playing requirements for the Europeans will need careful stewardship. Have the RSPBA given due consideration to those in Grade 1 who lead or teach lower grade bands?

How will these individuals be able to support the bands they tutor and their own two performances? The lack of communication here leaves us all wondering how this will work.

Communication, communication, communication….please RSPBA…communicate!

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