Piping Press

Change of Format a Possibility at the European Pipe Band Championships

P/M Matt Wilson and Field Marshal Montgomery will defend their European title at Perth

I hear that bands competing for the Grade 1 title at the European Championships will face a more stringent test than at the other majors – the Worlds excepted.

If my information is correct, bands at Perth on August 9th will have to play an MSR in the morning (four parts) and then submit two medleys for an afternoon run. I stress that this has yet to be confirmed officially.

By the Editor

One benefit would be for the audience – they get to hear the big bands twice, double what they expected.

Another upside would be for the bands. What better rehearsal for the Worlds than a two-leg contest six days before Glasgow Green?

I wonder, however, if the RSPBA Music Board, have considered the other ramifications? Clearly the Association is trying to make up for its failure to organise a fifth major by boosting the third in the calendar.

Ordinarily the Europeans would have been a simple run through of an MSR or Medley, not a mix of both. With a ‘double dunt’ they suddenly elevate the Europeans above the Scottish and the UKs.

The RSPBA published this on social media earlier this week with the caption, ‘Further information on the majors will follow in due course

If this proposal is ratified, then these competitions become significantly less challenging than that at Perth. Is the time approaching where there will have to be a points differential for the Grade 1 Champion of Champions title? Five for the Worlds, four for the Euros and three for the UK and British?

If we have to settle for the ‘four majors only’ habit (and I fear the worst) then this might be a way of injecting some interest.

The worry is that if the authorities do go down the route of bigging up the Euros, the UKs and the Scottish, the drive to find the elusive fifth major may diminish with four becoming the norm.

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