Tonight (Dec 16) at 8pm GMT the Piobaireachd Society is hosting the latest in its online ‘Talk Piobaireachd’ sessions. Leading the discussion will be champion piper Jack Lee from British Columbia, Canada.
Jack will discourse on aspects of ceòl mòr using suitable tunes to illustrate his comments. Jack has over 40 years experience at the very highest level of solo piping competition. He has won all the awards open to him and is in much demand as a teacher and recitalist.
With his sons he runs a bagpipe manufacturing and accessories business. He is also Pipe Sergeant of the World Championship winning Simon Fraser University Pipe Band.
‘Talk Piobaireachd’ sessions last one hour and are free to all members of the Society. If you are not a member you can join here. It costs £15 for one year (£5 for juniors or students) and £40 for three.
If registration is made before 7.30pm GMT you will be sent the relevant details to allow you to participate in tonight’s session. Those taking part often find it useful to have their Kilberry Book or Society collection to hand for quick reference.
Membership of the Piobaireachd Society, Patron Her Majesty The Queen, is open to everyone with an interest in the music.
‘Talk Piobaireachd;’ has proved to be very popular during the pandemic bringing together pipers from around the world to discuss the classical music of the pipes. Other sessions to follow are:
Jan 13: Duncan Watson
Feb 17: Robert Wallace
March 17: Jack Taylor
April 14: Jack Lee
May 12: Duncan Watson
Society President Robert Wallace said: ‘The promotion of the music is enshrined in the rules of the Society and these sessions are a modern way of reaching out to our many members around the world.
‘The sessions have proved very popular and I am grateful to the experts who have agreed to lead the talks and who give freely of their knowledge and time in conducting them.’