Piping Press

Chanter Only Festival of Juvenile Piping to Go Ahead

One of Scotland’s most popular competitons for young pipers will go ahead this October but only for those on practice chanter. Jon Gerard McClumpha of the promoters, the Caledonian Piping Club, has sent the information below.

‘As everyone knows – we are all in uncharted times & waters, and finding it difficult to steer an easy way out. Nothing is immune to the rippling effects emanating from this terrible virus, and having debated long and hard about the decision – as to go ahead with the above Event, or not – we can see no way we can deliver a ‘socially distanced’ safe environment to hold the above piping event.

‘We do however believe – we can deliver a socially–distanced, safe, chanter event. As you know, all competitors and supporters are contained within the one arena and with a handful of other measures which we will put in place, we believe it is possible, to safely hold this event.

‘We also realise we still need the Government to allow a gathering of between 60 to 100 people, and for the local council to grant permission to use the school.

‘It is therefore our intention (with all of the above provisos) to go ahead with the FofJSP Chanter Event only which will take place on – Saturday, 17th October 2020 in our usual venue of Auchenharvie Academy, Stevenston, Ayrshire.

‘To mitigate any chances of either you, your children, or any of our volunteers, catching the virus – we will be following ALL government guidelines – which we hope will mean you will have no hesitation in supporting us.

Prizewinners at last year’s popular Festival of Juvenile Solo Piping in Ayrshire

‘We realise all your children, and pupils, have still been practicing over the past months just for this very eventuality and we are offering this opportunity, to show that life still goes on, and is slowly returning to some sort of ‘normality’.

‘Also as a thank you, for all the support we have received from you, your band, or pupils over the past 18 years. We propose to make entry to the various age group competitions, for this year only, free.

‘We also intend to make entry into the school, for parents and tutors free as well although, unfortunately, due to restriction on ‘mass gatherings’, we will only allow a maximum of TWO persons to accompanying each competitor.

‘We will not be offering any sort of catering, in the venue, on the day, so if you feel you will need something to eat, or drink you are advised to bring your own. Once in the hall you will not be allowed to leave until after the final presentations. Toilet facilities are just opposite the main hall.

‘This will allow us to make the whole day cashless, thus eliminating a further opportunity for the virus to be passed on. The whole event will be limited to a maximum of 30 competitors – on a first come, first served basis.’

Get full details here.

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