Piping Press

Argyllshire Gathering Announces Pipers for Gold and Silver Medals

The Argyllshire Gathering have announced the following pipers for their prestigious Gold and Silver Medal competitions to take place in Oban on August 21.

The names were selected following a meeting of the Eligibility Committee which involves the promoters, the Competing Pipers’ Association and judges.

The picture above shows last year’s Oban Silver Medallist Darach Urquhart, Kyle of Lochalsh, and Gold Medallist Stuart Easton, New Zealand.

Gold Medal
Glenn Brown
Gordon Bruce
3Sandy Cameron
4Andrew Carlisle
5Andrew Donlon
6Cameron Drummond
7Jamie Forrester
8William Geddes
9Jonathan Greenlees
10Andrew Hayes
11Alasdair Henderson
12Nick Hudson
13Alastair Lee
14Cameron MacDougall
15Duncan MacGillivray
16Peter McCalister
17Gordon McCready
18Ross McCrindle
19Sean McKeown
20Derek Midgley
21Sarah Muir
22Connor Sinclair
23Innes Smith
24Darach Urquhart
1James MacHattie
2Andrea Boyd
3Angus J MacColl 
4Jori Chisholm
5Allan Russell

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Silver Medal
Xavier Bouderiou
Calum Brown
3Finlay Cameron
4Greig Canning
5Kristopher Coyle
6Jason Craig
7John Dew
8Jacob Dicker
9Ben Duncan
10Andrew Ferguson
11Michael Fitzhenry
12Alex Gandy
13Edward Gaul
14Steven Gray
15Andrew Hall
16Zephan Knichel
17Anna Kummerlow
18Steven Leask
19Andrew Lewis
20Ed MacIlwaine
21James MacKenzie
22Ben McClamrock
23Ashleigh McMichael
24William Rowe
25Calum Watson
1Kevin Mclean
2Jamie Elder
3Calum Wynd

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