Piping Press

Register Now to Commemorate the End of WW1 100 Years Ago

The ‘Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute’ is a project giving pipers an opportunity to acknowledge the sacrifice of pipers and their comrades who lost their lives in World War I.
It is the brainchild of Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR Pageantmaster. He writes: ‘I would like to invite you to take part in Battle’s Over – a Nation’s Tribute, which on 11th November 2018 will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI and honour the millions who died in the trenches and on the battlefields of the Western Front, or returned home dreadfully wounded. Many of them were pipers.

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‘The event’s name is taken from Battle’s O’er, the traditional pipe tune played at the end of a battle. So it seems fitting that pipers should play an integral and leading part in commemorating the end of the Great War and pay tribute to the pipers who faced the perils of the frontline. Our aim is to involve at least one piper from each pipe band in the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association by asking them to play Battle’s O’er at 6am on 11th November at a location of their choice. They will be joining fellow pipers from all over the United Kingdom and overseas.

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‘Such a tribute has never been undertaken before. Further information on all aspects of Battle’s Over can be found at www.brunopeek.co.uk
Here’s what we need to know:
Name of Pipe Band:
Name of Piper:
Location while playing Battle’s O’er:
We expect Battle’s Over to be a most moving commemoration and would greatly welcome your involvement and support.’
Call Bruno on + 44 (0) 7737 262 913 or email: brunopeek@mac.com

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