One of the most popular events on the local pipe band scene in recent years has been the Kids with Cancer Charity extravaganza which has taken place over the last few years in the Royal Hotel, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone.
I am delighted to announce that it is running again on Saturday 22nd February 2020 from 5.45pm at the same venue. If previous line-ups have been outstanding then those attending this time around are in for another great night as the organising team led by Gary Smyth have managed to secure some of the top performers in the world.
There will be a group of former World Champion Drummers who amongst them have won 41 World Adult titles and they include Steven McWhirter (current and 10 time winner and pictured below at this year’s WSD), Jim Kilpatrick MBE (16 time winner), Barry Wilson (4 time winner), John Scullion (4 time winner), Gordon Brown (2 time winner), Arthur Cook (1988 winner) and Paul Turner (1989 winner).
In addition there will be an on screen appearance by Andy Scullion (3 time winner) and Gareth McLees will play a tribute to the late Bobby Rea. Other drummers appearing will be William Glenholmes (multiple All Ireland and Ulster Champion), Rachel Thom, Jamie Coffey and Tiernan Kavanagh.
The pipers have not been forgotten with appearances from Pipe Majors Stuart Liddell (Inveraray & District) and Chris Armstrong (Scottish Power) and three of our leading young soloists Beth Preston, Alistair Donaghy and Ryan Cupples Menendez.
Also appearing will be the Kildoag Pipe Corps (Grade 4A All Ireland Champion Pipe Corps), Cavanaleck Brian Boru Pipe Band and Ozzie Rogers on guitar. Only one tenor drummer, Jordan Baillie, has been listed however I don’t believe for one minute that the guest list is finalised because there are probably lots of star performers wanting to take part to support this excellent cause.
Some of the performers appearing will have received treatment for cancer. Tickets priced £20 must be pre-paid and can be purchased through PayPal kidswithcancer2020@outlook.com or Bank Transfer. Contact Gary Smyth on Facebook or text 07814446179.