Piping Press

Gearing Up for Gourock/ UK PB Champs Entry Reminder

Inverclyde District Council, the promoters of one of the first pipe band contest of the season at Gourock, have sent this…

International interest is building in the Gourock Highland Games with enquiries from tourists from as far afield as Spain, France, Canada, Australia and the United States. Many of the visitors are planning their itineraries around the games and are looking for accommodation in the local area.

The annual event, now celebrating its 63rd year, kicks off the Scottish highland games season on Sunday 12 May at 12noon in Battery Park, Gourock.

Massed bands at last year’s Gourock contest

Over 10,000 people are expected to attend the one-day event which features: 

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A spokesperson for Inverclyde Council said, ‘In the run up to the games we get lots of calls from visitors looking for information about the event and how to get there. This year most of our calls, emails and many of our social media messages have been from international visitors.

‘Some already have plans to travel and are choosing to take in the games as part of their trip. There appears to be an increasing number of people planning their Scottish holidays’ to coincide with the Gourock Highland Games.

‘The games hold a special place in the Scottish diary and we are delighted that so many international visitors intend to join us to mark the start of the Scottish season here in Inverclyde.’

Contests at Gourock are for all grades and D/Ms. May 12 also sees contests at Dundee City (all grades), and Banchory (all grades – draw here). May 11 sees a contest at Dunbar (all grades – draw here).

Meanwhile the RSPBA have asked us to remind all bands that entries for the UK Pipe Band Championships to be held in Lurgan, Northern Ireland on June 15, close on Wednesday May 1. The draw for the championsips will be held on May 8 and published that afternoon.

Dates of all RSPBA Championships:

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