Piping Press

PP Editor’s Blog 21/11/14

[easyrotator]erc_14_1414056032[/easyrotator]A lot happening since we last met and thanks for all the support and huge amount of site traffic. Check out the new comments on last week’s blog and on Highland dress. Janet Montague has also made a very fair comment about the way pipers/bands write and play 3/4s. Janet is quite correct when she says we write our music with what should be an anacrusis, within the bar. The problem is that this is now so well established within our tradition that there is no likelihood of it changing. The problem is not just as bad as she states however. In 3/4 playing some strongly pulsed beats will always fall on the ‘wrong’ foot. The way we write these tunes just now means the first pulse in the Green Hills is a C on the right foot, but this means that the next strong pulse, an E, does fall on the left. See samples below:

How we write it

How it should be writtenLet’s have your thoughts if you disagree or have any better suggestions.

The news that the Worlds is to stay in Glasgow will have been met with a sigh of relief at all the city-based shops, hotels, piping institutions and the Piping Live Festival. Can you imagine the devastating financial effect of a decamp to Belfast? Me neither. Letters of thanks to Washington Street definitely in order. As I said in my comment on Tuesday, the decision to stay here is the right one for an event which grows in stature every year.

To the Scots Guards junior solos tomorrow at Inchdrewer House in Edinburgh. Support the contest is you can. Results and pix here ASAP.

Inverness Piping Society has the following forthcoming recitals: Tonight (Nov 21) Roderick MacLeod with support from Archie Drennan; 2015: Feb 20th Niall Stewart,  27 March Douglas Murray and 17th April Glenn Brown. Click the link for more details.

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Iain Grant has put this great picture of the Corstorphine Pipe Band on the PP Facebook. Iain wonders who the be-medalled P/M far right is. Any answers?

Talking of Facebook a good list of comments for the Bratach 1974 pic I put on a few weeks ago. Here’s the pic again and the comments:

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